Author Topic: why cant i say monday in a lot of video games  (Read 3260 times)

why do yall engage with this

why do yall engage with this
y'all have no ideer how sillay ye look when ya say y'all unironically

y'all have no ideer how sillay ye look when ya say y'all unironically
spoken like a true englishman. now die

y'all have no ideer how sillay ye look when ya say y'all unironically
yankee spotted

and taiwanese
CCP secret police would like to know your location

wheres badspot when you need him

CCP secret police would like to know your location
they don't detain people solely for being taiwanese. plenty of taiwanese citizens travel to mainland china for business without being arrested, at least before the pandemic.
they might disappear you for saying anti-CCP stuff on the internet though, which genuinely scares me.