Author Topic: Apparently fingernails can be vicious tools of pain.  (Read 2430 times)

Under what, "Skin" or "Keratinous Growths"?
it is obviously not flesh so put it under keratinous growths with hair

it is obviously not flesh so put it under keratinous growths with hair
maybe YOUR fingernails aren't flesh but don't speak for the rest of us 🙄

Yea like if your fingernails weren't skin then how would the hair grow out of them??

are you seriously that bored that you felt the need to tell a dying lego game that you've cut yourself due to your horrendous personal administration to allow yourself to grow such long, disgusting and unhygienic nails?

are you seriously that bored that you felt the need to tell a dying lego game that you've cut yourself due to your horrendous personal administration to allow yourself to grow such long, disgusting and unhygienic nails?
this post is a bona fide museum collection of random assumptions that don't make any sense. also, there is nothing else going on here anyway, so

I see no random assumptions in the fact that op and you should suggested that your fingernails have flesh and hair growing in and on them. It is only logical to assume that this is due to hygiene related issues.

I see no random assumptions in the fact that op and you should suggested that your fingernails have flesh and hair growing in and on them. It is only logical to assume that this is due to hygiene related issues.
my fingernails do not "have" flesh you foolish child. they are entirely made of flesh

my fingernails do not "have" flesh you foolish child. they are entirely made of flesh
It is only logical to assume that this is due to hygiene related issues.

i once, by accident, scratched a huge strip of skin off the nose of a friend of mine with my thumbnail. it bled for like 30min

it's not hygiene, i have merely evolved beyond your lowly little keratin appendages. behold my power and kneel

cut my nails today. so proud of being hygienic

i don't. good for scratching with

cut my nails today. so proud of being hygienic
Also cut my nails today. It is a good day today. I am already feeling better. Just got a promotion at my job because I cut my nails. When I was in the checkout at the grocery store, a complete stranger paid for my groceries. She said she liked my fingernails. On the way home I was at a intersection. All the cars were going, without waiting their alloted time. But when I came, they all stopped. One of them motioned for me to go ahead, and the gestured pointing at his fingernails. He must have likes my fingernails. When I went inside I turned on the news. They said some kretain died from having gross flesh nails. I am glad I have normal clean cut nails.
Soldier101@ here, and I cut my fingernails.

are you seriously that bored that you felt the need to tell a dying lego game that you've cut yourself due to your horrendous personal administration to allow yourself to grow such long, disgusting and unhygienic nails?

They aren't long I just file the edges so they're really sharp in case I ever have to open a letter, better safe than sorry.