Author Topic: Film Help  (Read 2939 times)

I'm planning on making the 3rd and finale video to my Man in The Cabin series that I started back in December 2019. Since then I've made only one other video relating to man in the cabin. This last one will be very different to the other two. It'll honestly have stuff and be something no one has ever done in a Blockland video before. Its going to be well over 5 mins, have some live action shots (which will make sense once the video is out), and have an actual story rapping the whole thing to a conclusion. This might also be my final blockland video, so I'm wondering if anyone in their free time would like to help me either by being an actor, or having some ideas you would like to share, or really anything, so if u wanna help give me a PM on the forums. thx lol.

Man in The Cabin  -

Original Post -
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 01:51:47 PM by Tea »

i would help out but im starting to get rather busy with other stuff. other video projects, life stuff etc

ill see if i could perhaps lend some help

i would help out but im starting to get rather busy with other stuff. other video projects, life stuff etc

ill see if i could perhaps lend some help
sick, thanks!

Hey are you still working on this? I'd be open to helping

if u need some build help i could make some stuff or provide saves

Hey are you still working on this? I'd be open to helping
Of course yes!

if u need some build help i could make some stuff or provide saves
Of course! Thank you!

Also just a heads up for anyone else wanting to help, production has been a little slowed down because of how busy I've been but once the final script is complete I will let you all now!

So, are you still working on the script?

Saw it because someone bumped it. Willing to help but not online enough to make any promises.

I can help in the project, I can do sets, scripts, whatever you need.