
Do you like servers like this?

15 (44.1%)
19 (55.9%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: What's the appeal of medieval rp's?  (Read 8094 times)

At the time of writing this post, Sable's Medieval rp has 32 players, the highest populated server right now, whereas the 2nd highest server has 2 players. I don't usually have a lot of patience for games where you cultivate a status and level up a toon, so that's why I don't give medirp servers the time of day. But for those of you who love that, can you describe what is so fun about the server? I would like to have fun and play with lots of blocklanders at a time too, I just want to know what it is you look forward to in a gamemode like that as you progress in it.

i dont get it, it's basically just a forgetin gmod roleplay server where if you do ANYTHING that upsets them (not wanting to talk to someone, making your character black, etc.) you'll be banned for "failrp"

also on the topic of annoying servers, forget bcs if you like bcs forget you

you'll be banned for "failrp"
I have been temp banned before There is a limit from trolling and being a jerk. I troll alot on these tryhard servers. I have mastered the line. I haven't been banned this year yet. I love to go on the Medivial rp servers and troll.
There is a specific one with alenguard or whatever. The drawbridge is the perfect ladder to the wall. get on the wall, and poukor to the guard chambers. They always leave the door open on the top wall. The bottom door is always closed, but they think no one can get on the top wall. Steal some armor/weapons. FailRP as guard. Close the drawbridge on random people. Arrest random citizens. As long as you salute the captain of guards and the king no one will be the wiser. It is HYSTERICAL. But uh, ive been banned when I attempted to assasinate the king and it was "failrp". So dont take is too far.

TLDR: They are made for us to troll. Be smart, dont get caught when trolling. It is hysterical finding cracks in the system.

joined, walked around for 15 minutes, left

As I get older the more I understand why people like RP. It's about having the opportunity to be a part of an established world and develop your own story in it. You get to have a lot of agency over your own fate, get immersed into your characters backstory, come up with interesting/creative/unique storylines without having to worry about someone running up to you and raping the crouch and jump buttons to death while they kill you for no reason. Unfortunately that's all the average blocklander knows. But that being said an RP server is only as good as it's admins.

This entire post is bannable

This entire post is bannable
It was just a opinion, I am not condoning such actions and administrators will punish accordingly.

Also, why am I the only one who voted yes?

Admittance to trolling is bannable

op approaching a nuanced environment and immediately wanting to kill the king and wondering what he missed

as an admin of the server it's stuff don't join it we still expect you to take the rp VERY SERIOUSLY you cant even jump on rooftops or i will phase through your monitor and personally shoot you

in all seriousness though my thoughts are exactly what crook said
As I get older the more I understand why people like RP. It's about having the opportunity to be a part of an established world and develop your own story in it. You get to have a lot of agency over your own fate, get immersed into your characters backstory, come up with interesting/creative/unique storylines without having to worry about someone running up to you and raping the crouch and jump buttons to death while they kill you for no reason. Unfortunately that's all the average blocklander knows. But that being said an RP server is only as good as it's admins.
and not to sound like a bootlicking autist but the rules have lightened up a lot since the 5-year-ago first impression everyone had. 5 years, 2 hosts, and 1 boycott leads to a lot of refining in terms of how fun the server is.

At the time of writing this post, Sable's Medieval rp has 32 players, the highest populated server right now, whereas the 2nd highest server has 2 players. I don't usually have a lot of patience for games where you cultivate a status and level up a toon, so that's why I don't give medirp servers the time of day. But for those of you who love that, can you describe what is so fun about the server? I would like to have fun and play with lots of blocklanders at a time too, I just want to know what it is you look forward to in a gamemode like that as you progress in it.
we usually only get about 20 people, today was just a good day (presumably because we had an event going on). crook explained the appeal pretty well but i think part of it is just escapism; it's enjoyable to act like someone you're not and to immerse yourself in something you probably wouldn't have the chance to experience IRL. that or you just like writing which is also cool
the server's sorta niche so i completely understand how people can love it or just hate it entirely, but usually the first impression is the most important and most of the time people richard around and get banned or they just don't find anything interesting to do so they leave and never rejoin

i dont get it, it's basically just a forgetin gmod roleplay server where if you do ANYTHING that upsets them (not wanting to talk to someone, making your character black, etc.) you'll be banned for "failrp"

also on the topic of annoying servers, forget bcs if you like bcs forget you
i don't think i or any other admin has done this? you might be thinking of the old server but i'm unsure
also if you don't like medrp or bcs nobody's forcing you to join them? i don't see the point in complaining about a server you don't like having a lot of players seeing as most of the players who play on these don't join anything else

i don't think i or any other admin has done this? you might be thinking of the old server but i'm unsure
also if you don't like medrp or bcs nobody's forcing you to join them? i don't see the point in complaining about a server you don't like having a lot of players seeing as most of the players who play on these don't join anything else
I think PK was referring to me, I was banned for having a black avatar. I got questioned by so many people for why my character was black, as if it was some sort of issue. I got reported for fail rping and I got banned instantly after for it.

never understood why are there many guys rping as girls

never understood why are there many guys rping as girls
this. . . always this. . .

also if you don't like medrp or bcs nobody's forcing you to join them? i don't see the point in complaining about a server you don't like having a lot of players seeing as most of the players who play on these don't join anything else
The problem is that 80% of the time more than 20 people are on blockland it's because of these two god awful servers, I'm sick of just boring server after boring server being the only god damn things with people on them. I always try to get people to join stuff like randomizer (which quickly dies after it has more than 7 people on it since the map is not big enough for 8+ people) and despair fever (which gets griefed constantly by dumbasses like 19), not to mention the fact that you cant even try to host stuff without getting ddosed (which also has caused a lot of server hosters to privately host their stuff or just not host anymore). What im saying is that blockland never has anything worth playing anymore, even old stuff like speedkart club is just annoying to play on due to admins like deadfall being complete hardasses. I literally miss crowns jailbreak for forgets sake, thats how bad the server list has been lately.