
you butthurt?


Author Topic: Letters from Lizzy  (Read 8373 times)

It wouldn't be the same, it won't have the 5 year history of it's existence and that stench of "I survived the 'big avatars'/transfer to SMF 2" apocalypse

i love how the responding posts aren’t anger filled monologues but just genuine concern for how someone could be this emotionally invested to post a full rant
I spoke to Lizzy maybe once in my 12 year career here, but I've seen her avatar and posts a bunch, enough to make an impression. It's kind of like seeing an acquaintance you had in high school start doing really weird and self-destructive things, you're concerned, and a little worried.

this forum definitely forgeted up a lot of people tho ngl

kinda gave me bwain damage 😳

we would've found another way to damage our brains if not this place. might as well have been the blf

It wouldn't be the same, it won't have the 5 year history of it's existence and that stench of "I survived the 'big avatars'/transfer to SMF 2" apocalypse
get in touch with conan and The Resonte! and see if you can get him to hand off the quick edit exploit to him

making a 1,400+ word post really invalidates your idea of "doing better than all of us" considering it probably took an afternoon to type all of that

you sound deeply disturbed

get in touch with conan and The Resonte! and see if you can get him to hand off the quick edit exploit to him
yeah you should contact those guys

also i dunno if the quick edit bump even still works

Sure hope you're doing better then I am.
Most of your points are true, to an extent and it actually hurts.
Though I don't think I ever said any of that to you because that's just plain mean.

But in the end, I hope you'll also be more successful in leaving this place behind.
It's clearly still having some hold over you and that is not good.
Enjoy your (better) life, you did well and got out of a bad situation if I read it correctly, that is admirable.
Keep doing well and don't look back too long.

yeah you should contact those guys

also i dunno if the quick edit bump even still works
send you a pm, yes, it still works

stalp following me around plz, I'm sorry I reached out that one time recently to make sure you were okay cause you used to....
hell i even made them look bad when i was like 15, they still love the stuff out of me, it feels loving great to also have a good relationship with parents who are soooo forgiving... i dont blame your parents for loving hating all of you though, if you were my kids, i'd loving hate you too.
Glad you two are happy, dunno what all this is about though, really weird.

Edit: Thanks for bringing back that old forums feel btw.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 08:01:46 AM by Soukuw »

hmmmmmmmmmm the plot thickens

Ok I'm just gonna say it, if op doesn't reply, they're gay.

Hey Liz, I was actually just remembering you about a month ago, was wondering how life was going for you. Had no idea you still visited the forums.

Good to see you're doing well after all these years.