I see nothing wrong with cannibalism

Author Topic: I see nothing wrong with cannibalism  (Read 1599 times)

i had chicken liver once it tasted like piss

I will also eat zebra and horse if given the chance
it sounds like you didn't understand a word I said

Average chicken eater vs. average exotic meat connoisseur

We ain’t built the same

Average chicken eater vs. average exotic meat connoisseur

We ain’t built the same
only muscle is not "exotic" is the point being made i think. most people would eat any muscle meat, it's basically all the same aside from flavor. organ meat is where a lot of people draw the line.

like tripe. forget tripe. feels like centipede in mouth

organ meat is where a lot of people draw the line.
haggis is good stuff and anyone who disagrees will be turned into haggis

haggis is good stuff and anyone who disagrees will be turned into haggis
honey thats just sausage

human is reportedly really salty due to its use and concentration within muscles

i think it's OK to eat any part of human except brain and spine because of prion disease risk.
Isn't there prion diseases you can get from doing this?
The disease is called Kuru, it's probably not caused by eating brains, rather it was a convenient transmission vehicle. It's speculated that it started with a single person in Papua New Guinea who spontaneously developed Kuru and it spread throughout the Fore people because it just so happens they practice cannibalism.

human is reportedly really salty due to its use and concentration within muscles
dammit salt sucks

u can have a free sample and suck my rooster

honey thats just sausage
its literally made from sheep heart, liver and lungs you FOOL

ive eaten kangaroo once, it was pretty dry and overpriced ngl

Ive had it as jerky and it wasnt bad I enjoyed it