Author Topic: biden 80 gorillian votes  (Read 1269 times)

Honestly I have more virtue so just stfu

The voting has been rigged since the electronic age.
Both parties change the school curriculum to push the current narrative.
Both parties are “open” to addressing national issues to secure funding which rarely benefits those they promised.
Best well get is a news article saying why x party did a good job.
Both parties need children in cages to secure control of border politics.
Biden or Annoying Orange it doesn’t matter nicepoint.
The agenda will push forward nonetheless.

Saying that voting has been rigged since the electronic age doesn't make it true. Evidence please.

Democrats don't want to change curricula to censor the past.

One party seems more interested in getting the children out of cages than the other.

Neither party is good, but one is much better than the other.

One party seems more interested in getting the children out of cages than the other.

I am once again posting this picture

Comic doesn't make it true.

Either way, you don't seem interested in addressing my other points.

Comic doesn't make it true.

Either way, you don't seem interested in addressing my other points.

It is true

They've been in cages since obama and they aren't leaving anytime soon.

you've been brainwashed to believe democrats are your savior and republicans are evil incarnate.

the truth is republican and democrat are BOTH evil incarnate.

There is no good vs evil it's a battle of evil vs evil.

you're choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

the only way forward is to dismantle the republican AND  democrat party but that's not going to happen with the current system we have now, things may have to get violent for that to happen.

one is much better than the other.


Biden literally has dementia and sniffs kids.

This is decending into a no-you match about brainwashing. Democrats aren't good, I havent said they are. What I have said is that Democrats are better than Republicans, which is true due to the points I listed earlier.

Democrats =/= Biden

What I have said is that Democrats are better than Republicans, which is true due to the points I listed earlier

they are not

they are both the same, there is no such thing as better or worse at this loving point.

have you seen democrat run cities? they're loving falling apart.

Respond to my points.

Also, specify your statement on the cities so I'll know what statistics you're referring to.