
do you know what im talking about?

i like your bowzer avatar

Author Topic: Does anyone know how to view Freek's Blockland videos?  (Read 1391 times)

I remember this user Freek (or Freeek) had a youtube channel that had videos where he played Ravencroft's Falling Tiles, Pictionary/Draw Something, and I think one of Panquake's games. I tried searching "Blockland Freek" and other things but I cant find it anymore. If anyone knows where to find them, let me know!

he privated all of his videos

he privated all of his videos
such a shame. i wanted to show his videos to my friends. they're really funny to me

that youtube account got terminated for several copyright infringements, one including when i uploaded a full movie LOL.  the videos are long gone now which is mostly a good thing considering how unfunny a good portion of them were, though some of them from 2010 - 2013 i really miss.  i know somebody reuploaded some of them to a google drive years ago but i don't know where that'd be.  try asking around i suppose

archiver discord better find that drive

I had wanted to show some friends last month “my life is in shambles” and was woefully disappointed

i only remember his video on reborn babies and to date that’s the only time i’ve ever heard anyone acknowledge how loving weird reborn babies are

I wish people would stop deleting/privating their old videos whenever they think they're cringe. They're part of Blockland history.