Author Topic: what keeps you awake during the day  (Read 801 times)


Yesterday at 00:00:00 PM
sometimes i think about a present friend of mine, was friends with them/thier for like ITS OVER 9000! decades and some piss happened and it's been about a new galaxy since then, unlike most future friends who i keown to be complete pieces of stuff, i cant help but to feel a quick but a worry about how theyre doing despite knowing that they definitely haven't havent changed at all and would most likely want to kick my snake

what keeps you awake during the day

When I am fully rested I find it hard to sleep.

the threat that my mother will randomly burst into my room and say "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING? GET UP!!!" because i am apparently not allowed to take a nap

the threat that my mother will randomly burst into my room and say "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING? GET UP!!!" because i am apparently not allowed to take a nap
that hurts me to imagine

My circadian rhythm, it's a pretty awesome tune but I can't get it out of my head!

what keeps me awake during the day? coffee. what keeps me awake at night? i could go on for hours q_q

Sometimes I do a thing called getting a healthy amount of sleep. I start doing it around 9 or 10 pm and then I finish it at 6 am or later depending on the day. It usually keeps me awake for a while.