Author Topic: the stagnation of blockland  (Read 28504 times)

Re-develop game from the ground up. Huge market for games like this particularly with Brickadia becoming a huge thing with a massive following already.

Blockland needs more depth, modern game engine with modern graphics. Proper ray-tracing textures and in general more depth to the base game would enable this game to succeed.

Unfortunately this is simply what happens when developers stop caring.

It is sad, considered re-downloading recently but am no longer interested in this game. My BLID is 13371 and so joined this game very early on and it at times (particularly in 2012) was the best game of my life. I miss having software hosting siblings and then using the Nuke launcher to obliterate them. The point is, this game was fun, it is not now.

The take-home is that Badspot/whoever are developing are missing out on what could be a phenomenon. Particularly with PS5/XBOX X|S versions of the game.

I mean just look at the success of Roblox. All because they decided to expand and not give up on their game. Time bad spot does the same thing.

I can literally remember when block land was so popular people would prefer to play over Roblox or even Minecraft. How times have changed.

Blockland needs more depth, modern game engine with modern graphics. Proper ray-tracing textures and in general more depth to the base game would enable this game to succeed.

fancy graphics just to distract the lesser beings from the blemishes and lack of sandbox features

but hell yeah, make super saturated graphics first

fancy graphics just to distract the lesser beings from the blemishes and lack of sandbox features

but hell yeah, make super saturated graphics first
Blockland already looks better than roblox with forced anti ailising, reshade, and custom in game shaders.

Blockland already looks better than roblox with forced anti ailising, reshade, and custom in game shaders.

point is, the graphics for blockland are adequete enough to look good especially with extra modding

This makes no sense.
He's locked this forum down, there's no way for new users to come here and post, not that they'd even know to come here.
yeah but that wasn't really on purpose. two separate incidents led to the forums being locked down, that being the removal of keys and the steam registration breaking and just never getting fixed. when the game released on steam nearly 6 years before the lockdown, the system for steam users being able to register here came pretty quickly. that along with the discussions page being flooded with "please please please visit the official forum" makes it pretty clear badspot would have rather just had them here.

the only difference between now and then is that now the game is very old, and reviving the game/forum doesn't seem like it's in badspot's interest. so nothing is really going to change from here on out.

its insane how much blockland would benefit from just a consistent playerbase of around 100 players

Change the name and any other copyright sensitive stuff while changing order of assets and code so it isnt a 1:1 replica.
Is it still illegal? Im actually curious idek.

you could completely rip off blockland without any legal consequence as long as you don't use any of the actual game's stuff that belongs to badspot

e.g, code, assets, models, etc.

This game will always hold a special place in my heart <3

its insane how much blockland would benefit from just a consistent playerbase of around 100 players

I get what you're saying but I'd argue that if you ever look at the Blockland Content Creator discord of around 500 members, roughly 100 of them are online at a time.

I think what we're failing to mention (if it hasn't been already) is that Blockland has moved beyond the need for this forum as a niche audience game. The forum reminds most of us of a darker time when it was drama threads or off-topic rants or whatever. Communication has evolved and posting every once in a while on a forum has turned into posting every once in a while in a discord chat.

And also think about how your own social life on the internet has changed- I don't really look at the forums on my phone much because its antiquated and not really optimized for a mobile device. But discord has push notifications directly in front of my face so I always know when a new mod is dropped or if there's a discussion about something interesting.

There is still community for this game, I just think the stagnation can be attributed to how we interact with it outside of the game itself.

I get what you're saying but I'd argue that if you ever look at the Blockland Content Creator discord of around 500 members, roughly 100 of them are online at a time.

I think what we're failing to mention (if it hasn't been already) is that Blockland has moved beyond the need for this forum as a niche audience game. The forum reminds most of us of a darker time when it was drama threads or off-topic rants or whatever. Communication has evolved and posting every once in a while on a forum has turned into posting every once in a while in a discord chat.

And also think about how your own social life on the internet has changed- I don't really look at the forums on my phone much because its antiquated and not really optimized for a mobile device. But discord has push notifications directly in front of my face so I always know when a new mod is dropped or if there's a discussion about something interesting.

There is still community for this game, I just think the stagnation can be attributed to how we interact with it outside of the game itself.
I agree, but also disagree.

Communication is the problem as much as it's the solution.

We've divided the community into so many individual sects that we have no cohesive community, and that's in part because the community
was left to decay and "care for itself."

As I've said, there's only so much the community itself can do.

As for mods, I still find it fustrating that the SteamWorkshop was never set up for Blockland even after RTB and Ephialtes was alienated by Badspot bringing
the game to Steam.

Blockland was fun while it lasted, but unfortunately, Badspot hated the community and lost interest in providing for it (can you really even blame him?). Play something else.

Play Brickadia. It always has at least one exciting 24/7 themed freebuild up, it's player numbers are similar to blockland at worst and WAY more at best, and it has a bright future ahead of it (rather than a dead one). Also it runs better, looks better, and feels better in every way. Features that are currently missing are already being worked on. (Bright future) The only downside is the development team is way too small to make fast progress, so you kinda gotta wait for it to be everything Blockland is.

If you don't like Brickadia then why don't you join some other creative community? Dreams for the PS4 is an amazing tool. I know it isn't like LEGOs by default or whatever but if your thing is creating cool stuff for a cool community then that works. Minecraft is still going strong. Haven't played it in years but every time I get recommended a video about it I'm amazed at how much stuff has been added. Hell, Roblox is far superior to Blockland at this point. Let go of the past, it is over. You can have fond memories of a thing without continuing to do that thing for the rest of your life.

Otherwise, just keep playing Blockland. If you create something interesting and worth playing, then post it on the forums and I'm sure at least someone will join it.

Badspot hated the community and lost interest in providing for it (can you really even blame him?).
Yes, actually, because he let the toxicity fester, and by doing that, of course he grew more and more tired of his community, because that allowed everyone to be about as negative and problematic toward himself and the community as they wanted to be without getting banned for it as much/as harshly as they should have

Badspot was too laid back on his moderation and Rotondo more or less followed suit in that regard, at least someone like Ephialtes was more likely to punish bad behavior when he had his moderator status

Yes, actually, because he let the toxicity fester, and by doing that, of course he grew more and more tired of his community, because that allowed everyone to be about as negative and problematic toward himself and the community as they wanted to be without getting banned for it as much/as harshly as they should have

Badspot was too laid back on his moderation and Rotondo more or less followed suit in that regard, at least someone like Ephialtes was more likely to punish bad behavior when he had his moderator status
Very true, honestly.

Bit of a self-rant/self-vent but coming across this post by a discord friend, I can't help but feel guilty seeing this post and the rest of the people I genuinely miss only because I haven't contributed much in terms of content regardless of the current state of Blockland.

The best I could do was host gamemodes I personally enjoy, like Mafia Madness. Even then, I wasn't mentally cut for that because I had plenty of issues moderating anything myself. I really wanted to learn Torquescript and its engine to at least provide a lot of good and original content at about 2016-2018 despite how outdated it seems and I wanted to learn it ASAP, otherwise, it would have been too late. Problem is, again, it was outdated, but I had school, other bigger things to worry about than coding, I had Python to learn first as well, and I was just really forgetin' stupid honestly. Excuses which could have been cared to manage, which is probably why I feel guilty about it today. I really loved to learn how gamemodes like Crown's Prison Break and its maps (what was that add-on...variables, or something?) are programmed, and other cool games I played back then. Instead I spent more time in Drama and Off-Topic for god-knows-what than anywhere else; I only have myself to blame for that. Perhaps that's where the guilt hits.

Didn't really matter how the community was, didn't really matter how Badspot was acting at the time, I just had plenty of time to make some stuff while there's a form of community left. I have a lot of people to thank for trying to get me into the coding side of the game, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be, given everything back then. Now I just really look at posts like this and think about some good throwbacks, the could-have-beens, etc, and I even see some people I missed talking to and seeing here. Is it still too late now, even if the future looks bleak, I wonder?

Has anyone else genuinely felt this type of guilt some point? Even if Blockland were to skyrocket with players and community the next week or so, that guilt is still passive in me. At the end of the day though, I'm just coping, but I'm also just chilling. :/
Your guilt is totally irrational, you don't owe this game or it's community anything. Please don't let it burden you.

(can you really even blame him?)
I can certainly empathize with Badspot sometimes, if you've ever made anything for this community, you understand how much of an irritating and thankless job it is. Although it's not really thankless because he got paid to do it. And he was also hilariously spiteful towards actual children, and did insane stuff ranging from refusing to resolve privacy concerns for minors because he didn't want to "help them cover their ass tracks", to giving instructions to 13 year olds on how to commit Self Delete because they annoyed him.

Whatever problem he had with us, he was definitely predisposed to it. But having to deal with handicaps like this when you're trying to emergency monkeypatch the game because some freak broke it will do that to you. You don't have to look very hard to realize that this kind of behavior went all the way back up the chain.

Does anyone know what it would take to have a Mod release on Steam?

Like how some games are mods for other games?

Because if we did Decomp Blockland, and make an community mod that would be managed by someone who is more interested in keeping Blockland alive,
We might be able to revive Blockland.