Author Topic: Random thoughts about morality  (Read 1224 times)

I find it frustrating the older I get the more I realize if I didn't give a forget about morality I would have not only benefited but also learned more. Scamming people, botting in games, growing weed and dealing, all these things feel like they would have benefited me rather than ever hindered but I've avoided them all. Weed isn't scummy but it would have destroyed my relationship with my family if I started dealing so it's kind of the same.

Getting caught of course is the reason I didn't but it kinda feels like I forgeted up when I see everyone else doing this stuff with no issues.

Edit: Another somewhat related thought, anyone else get 'music' chills when they think about humanity? It's a nice feeling.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 11:39:37 PM by Soukuw »

botting in games and weed dealing are victimless crimes, if you want to go scam people then i hope you stuff blood

botting in games and weed dealing are victimless crimes, if you want to go scam people then i hope you stuff blood
Errr yeaah I don't think I could ever go through with scams IRL in games or internet things though maybe. What I mean is that the skillset those people learn is insane.

growing weed shouldn't even be a crime

growing weed shouldn't even be a crime
I even added a little extra for your dumb ass
Weed isn't scummy but it would have destroyed my relationship with my family if I started dealing so it's kind of the same.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2022, 12:50:22 AM by Soukuw »

idk private investigating people is more scummy than dealing weed.


So you could've if you did but you didn't but you totally could?

idk private investigating people is more scummy than dealing weed.

I've learned a stuff load tracking people down for fun so your points moot. For the record I only found the picture.

And you're one to cry lil bioch lmao
So you could've if you did but you didn't but you totally could?
I proceive these things as having low barriers of entry besides in loss of morality. I'm assuming you're implying I couldn't actually do these things if I wanted?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2022, 09:33:25 AM by Soukuw »

feeling that morality is holding you back suggests that you may value having money/power/whatever more than morals

im not being judgmental here, you may want to think more deeply about where the line is drawn for you. each person has their own line where the pros of being immoral/unethical outweigh the pros of being moral/ethical and its a good idea to both understand where your line lies, and how other people who you trust draw theirs

Sounds to me like this is less of a morality issue and simply Soukuw is regretting various choices made in life.

Doing things in order to benefit solely yourself and disadvantage innocents is wrong, period. Sure, a guiltless person achieves their goals more readily, but at the end of the day, they are alone. No matter how many people they surround themselves with, they can never show their true selves to others, because they KNOW inside they are appalling, and they can and will burn every bridge they come across if it suits them, and eventually, people catch on to that. They lead hollow lives. You should be proud that you have some standard of morals, and not that you're being held back by being a "good person", that you have something inside of you telling you to do the right thing.
Don't be an starfish, and if you ever are, apologize, they're not hard rules to follow. If anyone is having trouble with that, I don't think I can say anything to help you that hasn't been said to you before, by someone much smarter than me.

if you did scam people back in the day, then it might be good to imagine what would you be thinking right now. Like, do you think you would be glad that you did it for the money, and not be bothered by morals, or would you regret it/feel scummy?

Doing things in order to benefit solely yourself and disadvantage innocents is wrong, period. Sure, a guiltless person achieves their goals more readily, but at the end of the day, they are alone. No matter how many people they surround themselves with, they can never show their true selves to others, because they KNOW inside they are appalling, and they can and will burn every bridge they come across if it suits them, and eventually, people catch on to that. They lead hollow lives. You should be proud that you have some standard of morals, and not that you're being held back by being a "good person", that you have something inside of you telling you to do the right thing.
Don't be an starfish, and if you ever are, apologize, they're not hard rules to follow. If anyone is having trouble with that, I don't think I can say anything to help you that hasn't been said to you before, by someone much smarter than me.
if you did scam people back in the day, then it might be good to imagine what would you be thinking right now. Like, do you think you would be glad that you did it for the money, and not be bothered by morals, or would you regret it/feel scummy?
Good takes.

I just find its about loving the people around you, its really hard to do sometimes, and I feel like having something you believe in as a higher power helps you do this because you see everything that is happening around you as a plan that is yet to be fulfilled, and you have to then believe that there is a plan for everyone else, and that something nice or considerate you do will help that person, part of the plan for that person to succeed or feel better or be encouraged. its about valuing strangers enough that you have no desire to do them ill. like i said, a very hard thing to master for anyone