Author Topic: blockland: the community that killed the game  (Read 93739 times)

Interesting that this thread ended up spawning multiple arguments each of which could be used as an example in the OP

my go-to fun fact is that I got investigateed and swatted and it makes me look like an absolute madman

Most of my posts back when I was a teenager were on the drama board and it was basically my main anger outlet - the same way that people somehow enjoy browsing social media like Twitter which is just a vortex of ceaseless outrage over nothing, I enjoyed browsing Drama because I liked either watching other people fight, or getting in on these heated debates myself with my underage pea brain.

Nowadays I don't even get angry anymore, I seriously think that my years raging at strangers on this site have permanently purged the emotion from my body. If there's a silver lining to me spending my teenage years being a weapons-grade stupid starfish online, it's definitely that. Ultimately I really do not regret my time here and I met great people in this game whom I still talk to today, but it took me until this thread to realize just how grim the overall atmosphere here was once you turned off the internet filter. Given how unrestricted my internet access was, I really feel like I dodged a bullet not ending up worse than I did, especially after being exposed to a bunch of repulsive stuff back in the day when people were regularly buying keys just to spam forbidden or just downright illegal content.

ohh i meant he was in his mid to late 20s when he posted that - when we were friends i think he was 26 that was like at least a decade ago
oh no that's what I was getting at, Goth77 is 29 (according to his profile) which means he would've been 18 when that was posted, and Bisjac would be 24-25
ok, I didn't know bisjac was that much older than me. i don't even know the guy all like that so my bad

ya my profile age is accurate. but also I would have actually been 17 when that was posted, turning 18 early into the start of my senior later that year

18 and 19 year olds shouldn't be dating 15 and 16 year olds either. there is too much of a difference in emotional and physical development. would you trust a 19 year old boy with your 16 year old daughter? age of consent is simply irrelevant. idc about the law. we're not talking about the law, which is wrong so often that the key difference between systems of governance is the way laws are changed. we're talking about what's healthy and safe for kids
first do a quick rewind in your mind and tell me if you recall any freshmen dating seniors when you were in highschool. If you went to public school and say this never happened I know for a fact you are lying. I don't like the law all of the time either, but guess what, if not for the law it wouldn't be illegal to go rape or murder someone. age of consent is not irrelevant, there is a reason that law exists. usually by highschool most people are mature enough to make decisions for themselves without the need of a parent holding their hand or watching their every move, but I guess that's a variable factor.

I really feel like I dodged a bullet not ending up worse than I did
you didn't dodge no bullet man you were the bullet, remember?

i don't even know the guy all like that so my bad
then why on earth are you defending him...?

then why on earth are you defending him...?
first of all, I was under the impression that he was around my age at the time when he posted those things, but evidently he was older that I had originally thought. plenty of people posted stupid stuff here back in the day that they probably regret ever doing, so I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt if that were the case. it appears that isn't so, which leads me to secondly, I never defended him other than to say bringing up a 12 year old post seems irrelevant. in fact I stated the things he said could very well be interpreted as red flags and that jokingly or not it was still a forgeted up thing to say. Was there something I missed? It's so crazy ridiculous how everything I say gets misrepresented without looking at the context of my posts

first of all, I was under the impression that he was around my age at the time when he posted those things, but evidently he was older that I had originally thought. plenty of people posted stupid stuff here back in the day that they probably regret ever doing, so I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt if that were the case. it appears that isn't so, which leads me to secondly, I never defended him other than to say bringing up a 12 year old post seems irrelevant. in fact I stated the things he said could very well be interpreted as red flags and that jokingly or not it was still a forgeted up thing to say. Was there something I missed? It's so crazy ridiculous how everything I say gets misrepresented without looking at the context of my posts
its not about the context its about the intention. you only come in here to play devils advocate and then have multiple people check you. its questionable at the least

first do a quick rewind in your mind and tell me if you recall any freshmen dating seniors when you were in highschool. If you went to public school and say this never happened I know for a fact you are lying.
yes it happened and it was still wack. I said in my first reply to you about this that neither legality nor normality make it acceptable

its not about the context its about the intention. you only come in here to play devils advocate and then have multiple people check you. its questionable at the least
the first thing I recommend is that you actually read what I'm saying and interpret correctly instead of bashing me when im simply trying to have a discussion about the things yall are posting about. how many times have I had to correct someone because for whatever reason they misinterpret what I'm saying or downright get it wrong? I already got called a family man and transphobe, which is not true. apparently you think I said it's okay to tell people to kill themselves, or implied that I agreed that it was okay for a person to say it to someone else, which is again false. and now we are circling around to this. This is the second time you've used the term "playing devils advocate". That's a pretty hot take, considering everything I have said has actually been relatively chill :/

yes it happened and it was still wack. I said in my first reply to you about this that neither legality nor normality make it acceptable
you say it's whack but some of those people are still together today because they went to high-school together. you ever heard the old saying "high school sweethearts" ? that means people who met in highschool and went on to marry later in life. is that not acceptable? it's a totally different story if you have an 18 or 19 year old dating a 13 or 14 year old like you said. thats just forgeted up, and not once did I imply otherwise

put it this way: an 18 year old has had live 25% longer than a 14 year old, and somewhere between 100 to 50% longer than said 14 year old has lived since puberty started. high school sweethearts generally refer to one grade level/one year age difference, not 4. its definitely questionable at best.

you didn't dodge no bullet man you were the bullet, remember?

I distinctly remember writing a short, stuffty revenge fic about this image when I was around 9 or 10 and first started to embrace THE EDGE. Good times

blockland spawned out of pure luck from a throwaway project of badspots, made at the right time in history for online pc games to be released and make lodsemone without the aid of a professional publisher, studio, or team. if blockland happened at any other time it would've never hit such heights that it did during its peak and would have been left in the early v0002 days, with badspot moving to another game project or kickstarting his research business earlier.

every single update that came out for blockland was just a staple onto the initial throwaway project, staples that badspot didn't truly put his effort into or outsourced to actual passionate community members, for blockland or its community were never his passion, it was simply the situation he had found himself into. a situation that made him a ton of money from key sales, and you'd have to be a real clown to throwaway that opportunity when you can exploit said opportunity with minimal effort required on your end.

all of the addons that had been produced over the years were the only real thing keeping this game alive, and once that dries up, once the engines limits are reached, once the sole developer and moderator is intentionally MIA, and when the last talented addon maker moves on from the game, then what?

that is the position blockland finds itself in now, and we're on borrowed time until another hardware failure happens on the fossil that is the blockland server machine.
either that or he just drop kicks said machine out the window after one of you goons sends a carrot or brick to his mailbox.

I think I have a pretty good example to highlight Blockland's uniquely stuff management. There was a game called Cortex Command, 2D combat game, it was included in one the early Humble Bundles, I think either 2 or 3. I fell in love with the game and logged like, 300 hours into it. The game was the alpha of alphas, there was barely any content for it - this term gets thrown around a lot, but it really did feel like a tech demo. It wasn't a particularly good game either, its main selling point was having every pixel simulated, think Noita, and also some beautiful pixel art. But nonetheless, it had a thriving mod scene, insanely thriving considering how small and feeble the game was, due to it being easy to code and having developer support. Anyways, the game gets a couple updates, they add an official "campaign" that was just retooled skirmishes, but no content. Developer radio silence for years, eventually the developers add an update to the game's menu that advertises their new game. The mod community eventually moves on, the game dies, so it goes.

So, we got an indie game with a good selling point and foundation, but not much content, that garners a loyal fanbase, who begin to mod the game and populate it with free quality content. The game is watched over by disinterested devs who don't impede the modders, but don't reallly help them much. The devs add very little content, and eventually start to advertise a new game they're more passionate about. Sound familiar?

The community for Cortex Command was as placid as it should've been. On the forums, people published mods or discussed mods, or gave help to fellow coders. There was an off-topic board where people would post what games they were interested in. There was some drama I think, usually from stolen assets, that was quickly arbitrated. Meanwhile on Blockland, you've got insane non-stop Drama, kids constantly private investigating themselves, rampant grooming, DDoS attacks, forgetin credit card theft?!? It's a Lego game where you build castles with your friends! Hell, Cortex Command was hyper-violent, all the enemy units would explode in bits of gore, talk about explicit - none of that rubbed off on the community.

Where do these communities differ? One of them has a hateful dev who constantly shows contempt for 8 year olds on his forum, and three moderators to control the posts of like 10,000 active users, and the other one had a larger moderation team for a far smaller community of posters, and devs who didn't use their forum as a sounding board for their misanthropic rants

agree !! also I completely forgot about cortex command that was a pretty sweet game

agree !! also I completely forgot about cortex command that was a pretty sweet game
i played the hell out of that game at 10 fps on my crappy HP, that game was so unoptimized it's hilarious. fond memories, I actually made a mod or two for that game rather than blockland, I think cus 3D modeling for blockland always felt so beyond my capabilities, I wish i had at least tried.