Author Topic: blockland: the community that killed the game  (Read 93740 times)

unless you are/were a groomer or someone in a position of power who turned a blind eye on a groomer, then please turn yourself in, or you know, don't be an Earth inhabitant anymore
Don't tell this man what's coming out in 2023

don't be an Earth inhabitant anymore
groomer space program

groomer space program
I mean, you know how we used to use monkeys and dogs as test passengers in space flight? And how the poor animals almost always met a grisly and horrible fate? I have an amazing new idea for different subjects, that no one will feel sorry for.

I mean, you know how we used to use monkeys and dogs as test passengers in space flight? And how the poor animals almost always met a grisly and horrible fate? I have an amazing new idea for different subjects, that no one will feel sorry for.

groomer space program

Sounds like a good investment to me. We won't even have to allocate funds for oxygen!

Man, reading this topic is such an emotional rollercoaster. I remember joining in 2010 on the forums after finding out about the demo and just being an absolute maniac because I was a kid with no friends and almost no mental capacity for a social identity. I got banned after shortly joining for good reasons. Then I bought the game, waited another year, and made this account and was less of a forget-ass, but still lacked any sort of normie social complex. Which is pretty common being a kid on the internet anyways.

It really made me realize how much of an effect it had on me all these years. It didn't really better my behavior or personality during this period. At the time, my understanding of how people interact with one another was a joke because all I had learned from this game and this forum was that; unless you were some top name on the forums that posted a lot or had some self-righteous views, knew how to code, model, just have a cool server, or was older than 12; no one wanted to be your friend or much less talk to you. At best I'd usually get a "kys" or someone would make fun of my name, what server I was hosting, or keep me from enjoying a server. This made me spiteful and an starfish. I remember being an admin on multiple sort of "big name" servers like Xalos and Cat123 and just being an absolute cunt.

Of course some of the attitude here could've been taken with a grain of salt. However, it's much more impactful when this game and these forums are your only social outlet and you have a stuffty lonely home life that is inescapable for most, if not, all of your time here. I for sure did not help in any way in eradicating this behavior, but in the end it wouldn't have mattered because of how Badspot treated his community anyways. After I had stopped paying any attention to this game in 2016, my life started getting better. I made friends with people who didn't know anything about this game. Very slowly but surely I feel like I'm becoming a better, more logical and rational person as time goes on.

I feel like I keep coming back because I want to feel the feeling that I had when I was a kid coming out of school to hang out on blockland and have fun. Bickering with people online and attempting to be like said "cool people" and make add-ons that eventually went nowhere. Or even just hopping on a server I was an admin on and try to keep it somewhat civilized in my own forgeted up mindset that was molded by this community and thinking I was actually making a difference. Or maybe come up with some cool new idea that'll go nowhere because there's no people to make it or play it.

While I was growing up I found it more acceptable for everyone else and less expecting of myself to just not bother talking, make content, admin, or try to make friends. I was silent my entire highschool period. I stopped talking to all of the people I thought were friends on this game and interacting with the community in the best way I thought would help. I didn't completely stop but it sure was enough to ruin potentially good friendships and career paths. Although as stated before, becoming an adult and finding myself, away from this game mind you, I am not who I was once. Not before I bought the game and definitely not before took my attention away in 2016. And I am happy where I'm currently at and I cannot say that without a doubt, this game and these forums pretty much shaped who I am today. Without any of this I could not say where I would be, who I would be, or what I would be doing.

Although, I am saddened that I don't carry these pseudo-friendships I thought were real and once had. I'm also saddened I never really finished any of my add-ons. Fortunately I still talk to one person who I enjoyed playing with occasionally, but it doesn't feel the same as when I was younger. None of this does.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 03:53:36 PM by tkepahama »

Blockland ISNT TORQUE 3d!!!!
MSVC and the Blockland binary would disagree.

Its TGE 1.3 and not only that, but a heavily modified version of TGE 1.3.

So unless blockland releases source code or we manage to find tge 1.3 and replicate the same modifications the exact way they did it, Its not going anywhere.
If you read 16-bits' post I was replying to, you'd see it was regarding if we had Blockland's source.

my entire friendgroup is People That Used To Play Blockland or referrals from former blocklanders
im dating my best friend that i met on here in 2009. this game got me laid. (after ten years of a completely platonic relationship)
i do not know what kind of friends i would have if not for this game. probably not people that put up with me for 14 years.

i was homeschooled, so the internet was the only social outlet i had for most of my life.
i was an enormous starfish because my abusive father was the only role model i had and i didn't know any better.
my friends helped me realize good parenting is real and that I Am Not Being Well Parented.
i have been trying to be better than my father and not constantly insult people like i did when i was younger.

i got Real Friends and didn't get groomed, so i think that i got a positive experience out of this game.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 07:04:19 PM by foulprairiedog »

my entire friendgroup is People That Used To Play Blockland or referrals from former blocklanders
im dating my best friend that i met on here in 2009. this game got me laid. (after ten years of a completely platonic relationship)
i do not know what kind of friends i would have if not for this game. probably not people that put up with me for 14 years.

i was homeschooled, so the internet was the only social outlet i had for most of my life.
i was an enormous starfish because my abusive father was the only role model i had and i didn't know any better.
my friends helped me realize good parenting is real and that I Am Not Being Well Parented.
i have been trying to be better than my father and not constantly insult people like i did when i was younger.

i got Real Friends and didn't get groomed, so i think that i got a positive experience out of this game.
the forums were always just an outlet of entertainment for me. I made very few friends here and all of my closest friends were people met actually playing the game.

i want to say "good for you man" but
this game got me laid.
blockland should not result in someone having love under any circumstances. i'm going to need you to take it back
« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 12:50:47 AM by TheScout »

i got Real Friends and didn't get groomed, so i think that i got a positive experience out of this game.
I don't think most of the rest of it is really directly applicable to me, and maybe or maybe not the "getting groomed" part I'm not really sure but I mostly come down on the "no" side personally. the Objectively Bad Things that happened to me had nothing to do with here

but like the overall sentiment is the same. the forum kind of sucks but for me I think it was net positive. I'm married to and living with androfox currently, and my bff of all time is still wynd fox and we talk every day. I'm still friends with several other blockland people, if not quite at the same level. I don't attribute my interest in programming to blockland, really, because I never learned to make mods for the game, or anything like that. but I probably wouldn't have gotten into it, anyway, without meeting some of the people I did here, so that's nice considering that interest is wholly responsible for the level of comfort in which I am able to live

but like, that's just my view of like... having been here, which is different from like, what the forum is. I do think the forum itself, in isolation from the relationships that formed here, is distinctly bad. being in this kind of environment was not good for teenage foxscotch or probably anyone else here. but I turned out ok in spite of it. I think most of us did. but definitely not all

the forums were always just an outlet of entertainment for me. I made very few friends here and all of my closest friends were people met actually playing the game.
same fr

i want to say "good for you man" but blockland should not result in someone having love under any circumstances. i'm going to need you to take it back

« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 04:22:45 AM by Goth77 »

i want to say "good for you man" butblockland should not result in someone having love under any circumstances. i'm going to need you to take it back
do you know how many gay furries played this game

the forums were always just an outlet of entertainment for me. I made very few friends here and all of my closest friends were people met actually playing the game.
why did you delete your steam guide