Author Topic: What was Blockland?  (Read 7794 times)

Forum members be coming out of high school with an instinctual desire to make lengthy reflective coming-of-age posts in Off Topic as if being on this forum as a child was akin to growing up on some Lord of the Flies-esque Epstein Island.

Looking back, a lot of the drama on this forum was pretty pathetic. It never really took much for some crybaby to write an entire drama thread for not liking you because you're acting immature or some stuff. Cough cough, Lord Tony
7 years ago, when I was a handicapped 11 year old, I was glad to have been the center of one in which I managed to set off a stuff ton of dumb teenagers on a lego forum.
What were you expecting when you have a forum full of children and young teens? Civil, thought-provoking discussion about plastic bricks? Did you ever interact with the other kids on the playground or in the lunchroom when you too were a child?

Please, congregate any amount of older children/young teens in the same space for any prolonged amount of time and tell me your findings.

I am supermarioRX1029.
I could list off so many funny takes of mines, but I would fill up this entire thread doing so, so I implore you to look into it yourself. Just incredible, immaculate, words of intellect, really. I think about how Badspot had to wake up the next day to see that his community was arguing with this one random handicap posting this stupid stuff, lol. Reading some of the stuff I had said back then makes me cackle, and even more so when I think about how all of those people were taking an argument with an 11 year old so seriously. But honestly, this forum did teach me a bit of a lesson on how to not act like a complete loving idiot online as I was maturing.
When you were maturing? You're rather quick to distance yourself from the posts you made as a child, yet here you are almost proudly displaying your ebin takes when you were an 11 y/o with amusement in the same breath.

We can't fight change, and we can't fight growing up no matter how hard we try.
Dude you're 18; you're an adult exclusively in the legal sense. You are not out of the woods.

I'm going to spare the future you the extra embarrassment of not critiquing the rest of your rather pretentious self-loathing rant on your younger self and the community because I'm going to assume you wrote all of this when you were particularly moody and thought it was deep, mature, and brave.
In 2 to 8 years tops you'll (hopefully) remember posting this, lying awake at night staring at your ceiling wishing you didn't. Hopefully then it'll dawn on you that your experience here was not only short but extremely average compared to everyone else's.

i'm like 90% sure that most communities before and after the internet didn't have a local 20+ year old dogforgeter who harassed 11 year olds with bestiality research unsure though dren
most internet boards did have that weird forgeter who'd share a bit too much information about their fun times in bed; and in most of those boards they would've been banned the second they tried to squeeze the piglet in the virtual public.

the difference was that badspot found it funny and decided to see how long he could keep the weirdos around until someone got mad enough to break a board rule.
if you want to win in this board, now and back then, you need to go after the big game and repeat the borrowed time incident.


What the hell is wrong with you, man? What reason do you even have to get all hostile and condescending to this post? What is it with you handicaps and having the need to stuff on simple posts critiquing their own experience and perspective? Are the only people left on this forum loving keyboard warriors?

What were you expecting when you have a forum full of children and young teens?
I mean, not very much...? What is your point here? Can we not laugh at the way we acted here a decade ago? You are literally just trying to come up with pseudo bullstuff to argue about.

When you were maturing? You're rather quick to distance yourself from the posts you made as a child, yet here you are almost proudly displaying your ebin takes when you were an 11 y/o with amusement in the same breath.
Do you have a problem with me being "proud"? It was funny. All of us were stupid. Would you rather me and the rest of us throw ourselves into a loving pit of fire for spazzing out on a lego forum when we were like 10? I would rather laugh at my past and make fun of it because it is an example of how not to act like a handicap in public. When you eventually have a kid and he makes fun of himself as an adult for throwing tantrums as a toddler, are you going to instigate and spew out a loving lengthy ass rant at him? Try and develop a sense of humor, it helps.

Dude you're 18; you're an adult exclusively in the legal sense. You are not out of the woods.

I'm going to spare the future you the extra embarrassment of not critiquing the rest
Where do you live? Badass HQ?

In 2 to 8 years tops you'll (hopefully) remember posting this, lying awake at night staring at your ceiling wishing you didn't.
Hmm, I suppose you're right. When I posted this, I had forgotten that basically everyone on this forum only really pretends to play or care about the game. Surely, I'll be literally wide-eyed in bed, in 8 years, thinking "Aw forget... My random post eight years ago on a dying forum about my own thoughts on the game and it's community made random angry people get hostile and try their hardest to stuff on my ego." Did you think you were cutting deep with that? That's pathetic. Try again.

Actually, don't bother. Maybe all the people who actually grew up and matured wisened up and got off this forum while they still could, so now all that's left are angry handicaps who have low self esteem that either:
A). Can't loving read and will jump to conclusions so they can instigate and argue for no reason
B). Try very hard to instigate and argue for no reason
will continue to stuff on people because they are not deemed popular enough, or they are simply immature, or they have a lack of self esteem. Something like that. All you have to do is be nice. All I wanted was to share my point of view and all you want to do is argue. You can criticize me, but calm the forget down. I'm locking this stuff. Remember kids, doubledank66 was right.

Badspot created a fairly successful game in a time when there weren't a billion other lego or even building or even online indie games out there, and yet he went nowhere. Why? Because he is not a good or nice person, and that is why his community was known for being not good, for being not nice, and it's why this game died when it did