Author Topic: Kambucha, can you feel the alcohol?  (Read 4443 times)

I've only drank it once and I feel like I felt the general feelings of alcohol I get when drinking a beer but just light. It's like smoking a tiny tiny hit of weed.

Curious what other people think. I'm a pretty small dude at 130 pounds and I assume that might play a big part in it.

there is no* alcohol in kombucha

*not enough

did not know what kombucha was before reading this thread

there is no* alcohol in kombucha

*not enough

I've only drank it once and I feel like I felt the general feelings of alcohol I get when drinking a beer but just light. It's like smoking a tiny tiny hit of weed.

Curious what other people think. I'm a pretty small dude at 130 pounds and I assume that might play a big part in it.

Quote from: Google
Fermentation experts say individuals who report feeling drunk after a serving of kombucha are probably suffering from a histamine intolerance.

as a fan of tea i am curious to try it tho

kombucha ferments, so if you felt like you were drinking a beer, you drank some pretty toasty kombucha.

but i'm not a fan of it. nor am i fan of kvass which is similar.

i love kombucha and used to drink it daily. never felt the effects of alcohol from it, and neither did my super skinny best friend who also used to drink it a ton