You know it seems like every year THE MEDIA pulls some stunt where they try to convince us aliens are real for some reason and I can't help but wonder if this is part of something like that? Like remember when they leaked those UFO documents a while back and no one cared because the documents basically just said "one time an airforce guy saw something and we tried to figure out what it was but we couldn't"? And then there was that former israeli security chief that straight up told people there's a Galactic Federation in 2020? I mean sure, that guy probably had dementia, but it feels like lately there's this effort to make people think the aliens might be coming even though they most certainly are not and I'm not sure what possible reason there would be to do that. Seems like an absolutely batstuff thing to do just as "a distraction." Idk I don't know anything about politics I'm just paranoid and stupid