Author Topic: [Vehicle] Rivera Traveler  (Read 1554 times)

The Rivera Traveler brings family fun road-tripping, or working in the fleet from server to server. Based off the 1998 Ford Econoline, this brick of a van is straight-forth packed with several features.

Including, but not limited to:

  • 4 Variants: Found under "Traveler - ___", with Fleet, Passenger, Bus, and Duty
  • 9 Fleet Liveries: Rooter Runner Plumbing, Studs Landscaping, Border Patrol, Coroner, Crime Scene Unit, BHaup, Lighting Mission Electrical, BLOXNews, and a light-duty medical response
  • Backup-beeper on all variants, except the Passenger
  • Shift-brick amber and police light control on the fleet (Animated lightbar only; Shift-Brick UP toggles it)
  • Shift-brick Bus Controls: Shift-brick up to toggle the school bus lights, and open the side door
  • Standard turn-signal and functioning lights
  • Horn Support - Mouseclick to honk the horn!
  • Engine Sound Support


Requires both Support_Garage and Support_EngineSounds to work properly!

Download from Blockland Online

Special Thanks To:

Corpora1Bird - Contributions to Fleet Liveries
Teneksi - Imported code from the Vanhammer Bus