Author Topic: REQUEST dragon (driveable)  (Read 3949 times)

dragon = lag = impossible
So tell me, from what college did you get your degree in acting like you understand things you obviously don't? You're quite good at it.
So tell me, from what college did you get your degree in acting like you understand things you obviously don't? You're quite good at it.
So tell me, from what college did you get your degree in acting like you understand things you obviously don't? You're quite good at it.

._. Two noobs just quoted the previous post and copied and pasted the quote into 'their chat area'.  What is the forums coming to. D:

ive seen some of their props and it looks cool, so something like...maybe a hand with a cut on it shoots fire( sort of like fireball) and a sword that is covered in a protector, kind of like a sparing sword, and cant forget zar'roc . maybe a dragon vehicle too, one that shoots fireballs ^^

i posted something bout this. 1 of the replys was na dragon would be cool, not eragons though. so there. use the search button.

I highly doubt complicated animations lag Blockland in the least, and monstrously huge vehicles also don't seem to lag blockland all that much (see Blimp vehicle)

The large amount of different animations would be difficult I imagine, maybe the dragon could be a player character vehicle (like the horse) with it's own set of dsq animation files, but then could it "fly" and pitch and yaw and do all those aerobatic things Flying Vehicles do?

yeah, dragon player FTW :D

If we get a dragon, I have requests.
Able to blow fire
Flapping wings
damn good model
Flames have decent life