My Ideas

Author Topic: My Ideas  (Read 4263 times)

I have some intresting things to add that i think could help the game. I think this game rules and I would like to add this to it.

*First I think when bolts when the bolts hit the ground and sit there (awesome graphic by the way) then if you run over it you pick it up, I've been trying to do that and would be nice if I could.

*Next, I think it would be very useful to have shop keeper npcs. Like in that main shop near the docks, if you bought something and no longer want it and you want to sell it back instead of haveing to find someone who wants that certain item you could just sell it to the shop keeper for a slightly less price.

*Lastly I think there should be a healing spell. I know you might be a little apprehencive about this but I have some things that might change your mind. Well, if you made it so every point of mana equals each point of health, which that's the smartest thing to do, if you regain half of your health that takes half of your mana. I figured out that that equals 2 cloaks, like 4 fieballs, 2 lights and i don't know how many balls. It could also heal slowly or you couldn't use other magic while doing it.

I hope that might help you and maybe you might add one.(:->
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 04:01:04 PM by ethren »

*Also I think you should add guilds, like official guilds with a leader, classes, guild wars, and perks. ;)

Ever heard of "editing" and "double posting sucks"?

Seeing this:
Posts:     6 (0.130 per day)
Gives me the idea that, no, maybe not.
The button located in the upper right corner of your posts allows you to edit them.

Oh sorry, but what about my ideas? Anybody have suggestions? ?

My Idea

If spells could be scrolls that could be scaterd are around the map, and then make a spell book that can disipher the scrolls to use em from the spell book.

Make it so that you can only use spells after you get em in your spell book. Then delete the old way to use the spells.

If the shop sold a spell-book or can be a starting item.

 :cookieMonster: prob confusing  :cookieMonster:

I have an idea there could be and NPC made its a witch master and if you want to become a witch or wizard go to here but there ar witch hunters who try to kill you and they do this ritual thing that doesnt make you a witch or wizard,You get cooler and stronger spells like summon familiar and magic missilE etc.

Any body like this suggestions

Good ideas! And for the witches and wizards idea they and the hunters could be set up like the police and would fix the 'magic is too powerful' problem.
Anybody have anymore?      :cookieMonster: "yeah, yeah anymore?"

I think that the magic system needs to be redone, like, there are a few inherit spells everyone can use. You can learn more through reading, or by nabbing a scroll (1-time use). Maybe add a mages guild, that you can't get thrown out of, but it keeps you from joining future guilds.

witch hunt! witch hunt!
THE  :cookieMonster: IS A WITCH BELEIVE ME!!!
(grabs same pitchfork from the building contest post)

Felix you have the idea, but be more serious. And I like all of your ideas Randomattacks, like spell casters having a guild once Badspot gets them up, but i think scrolls should allow you to learn something and it disappears but you keep the spell.

These are good ideas, but Badspot, can you look at all of my original ideas please?

I think this game needs a leveling system.

Or one that represents someones rank, because this is a revolutionary type of gameplay style. This is like a Mofps... In fact, I was coming up with ideas earlier this week about making my own game in the future.

Oh the possibilites.. And NO you dont get my radcore ideas..


Classes my son.. classes.

I understand the classes idea, like the witches and wizards. But I think they should be set up like guilds with stuff like wizards get more spells, police get special items and can jail people, but I don't think there shouldn't  be levels, that's what makes this game original and easier on noobs and I generally, I think, better.

I would oppose leveling because
1. It allows an advantage for people who have been playing longer.
2. Concentrates the game more on lots of weak monsters to level, rather than exploring.
3. This is what makes this game special.
4. It would take a while to impliment, time that could better be spent elswhere. Like sleeping.

Guilds would be cool though. Little advantages to each guild. It could re-center the game around... Well, something other than dressing up your character and farming dyes.

Temporary bonuses for leveling up in the arena would encourage its use. They could wear off when they log out or after an expiration date. Even if they get super attack and invulneribility, they can't stay logged in forever, and there could be a time limit. It would kind of defeat puropuse of muling, since all you get is a little bonus that might give you an edge in battle. It isn't worth the time to mule.
Similiar to the award system in Star Wars Battlefront II. If you got to keep the beam rifle and all those awards for every battle, you would be way over powered. But earning those bonuses give you a little edge for a few minutes, enough to wipe out a few groups of clones...

Global levelling, and giving advantages to those players that level such as increased strength, speed, or better weapons, always ends up being frustrating for beginners in a PvP game. If AoT incorporated a levelling system then BS would have to add some sort of limitations, like a level 50 can't sit there and pound on noobs.

Wedge's temporary reward idea a la Battlefront II is a much better approach, IMNHO.