Author Topic: New Spell Idea - Lightbulb  (Read 2815 times)

How about /idea brings up a glowing lightbulb above the persons head? For like 5 secs...

That sounds more like an emote like /wtf or /love, not a spell

Lol...Might as well be /idea

Yea emote, that is what I meant.  Would be funny.



  • Administrator
I want an exclamation point like in metal gear solid also. 

I want an exclamation point like in metal gear solid also. 


Heh, I got one...

/help - sticks a pic of a middle finger flicking everyone and you off
/creator - Pops up a 3D image saying "Badspot"
/cop - A baton
/criminal - a gun
/food - plate of food
/drink - a soda can
/parchment - pic of parchment
/dye - a pic of dye

those are some emotes I have just came up with...

I was thinking that cops should have a badge next to their name. Criminals could have a big red X too. Or maybe leave them unmarked. Also, I wouldn't mind if zooming also zoomed in the names of players.

/baby u have a kid  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

Kinda stupid

/proposal and there's a ring above your head while you kneal

why would you propse to a female? unless you wanted a civil union relatonship thats really freaky

/ultima- completly pwns everyone in blast radius
/flare- owns everyone in a three feet radius
/freeze- freezes opponent for x ammount of seconds

/ultima- completly pwns everyone in blast radius
/flare- owns everyone in a three feet radius
/freeze- freezes opponent for x ammount of seconds
Wow, those sound like some really cheap spells.

/cast lightning - could stun or kill a person
/cast universe - would bring up a dialog with another person asking if they were ok with it(2 or more persons required to do this max would be say 5), then transports them into another realm of existence (both ppl play bomberman!!!)
/cast dark - alot like cast light, dark would make rooms and a general area dark, all the better to sneak around...
/cast fly - would give a person the ability to fly for 5 mins and near the end give the person a warning about landing, of course if sm1 went a bit too high and didn't they would come tumbling down as soon as the spell faded away, just like a dodo bird falling off a cliff. (I know this probably a bad Idea, but eh)
/shiney - [emote] a person would seem to have a glowing personality for a moment.
/cast death - Poofing a potion of seeming death into existence, the spell would make a person look dead for a while
/cast wizardball - would take a person#1's camera to person#2's ball and they could use say to talk in privacy, Please note that person#1 would be imobile the whole time until the connection is severed{by casting the spell again maybe} (unless another person is near person#2, then they could of course hear "The ball") Also note that  person1 and person2 would already have to have a wizardball and have it equipped to talk to each other [To talk to other ppl you would select them from a list, type their name in or something]  This is a very complicated spell and is only a suggestion, don't know if it's even possible.

I think thats all....oh wait!
/cookiemonster  :cookieMonster:
/cookie  :cookie:
/cookiemonstereatingcookie   :cookieMonster: :cookie: