Author Topic: Another 4chan question.  (Read 8487 times)

I remember the Candlejack epi-

Also, I had a whole buncha Freakziod episodes on a tape, but the tape died, and there's a DVD coming out, it makes me happy.

Candlejack. Candlejack, Candlejack, Candlejack. Nothing happened.

"I think there is a thuuuuuumbtack under my fanny."

Lul, I have a candle back home that i called Jack.
I <3 it.
Also, Do anybody remember Earthworm Jim? Good times.

I don't know what you guys are talking about, candlejack clearly doesnt ex

I don't know what you guys are talking about, candlejack clearly doesnt ex

Haha its funny because you're pretending that C********k actually does exist and he just took you, by posting mid-way through a word!!

Why would you do the same joke that about 8-10 people have already done in this very thread?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 01:24:06 PM by Ephialtes »

Snots Youtube vid made me laugh as the scariest this to kids is wood.

anyhow, anyone got a pic of Candleja

Ephiliates, stop being a loving friend and accept candlejack you overbrown townyzing basta

Ephiliates, stop being a loving friend and accept candlejack you overbrown townyzing basta
You have some serious anger management issues. Every page of your recent posts contains at least 4 words of profanity.

He's just butthurt because I made him cry at some point.

Hey just got back.  And wow, Candlejack's gonna need more ro

The whole candlejack meme got ol

Why is everyone randomly cutting off after they say Candleja

What I just hate is how ephi cant understand the concept of a meme, because you are supposed to spam memes EVEN IF THEY ARE OLD.
Seriously, candlejack is old as stuff but everyone still says and likes candleja



Candlejack is imme-