Author Topic: Life's Rules  (Read 8258 times)

I'll be making 50k for starters..
Eh, more than enough for a guy living by himself with nothing better to do but sit in front of a computer all day long.

Internet Spaz.
Sorry for double post.

13.Life sucks get used to it.

12: Everything is your choice.... except for dying.

I'll be making 50k..
Eh, more than enough for a guy living by himself with nothing better to do but sit at a computer all day.

I will be making like 1.5m so naa naa.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

lol that sounds like something a guy like gates would say.
you can just feel years of pent up loveual frustration in his voice :P

gates is too rich to be a virgin though.

I was thinking about something in the Engineering field, but Architecture just seems like a career I would really enjoy. I just wish the starting salary was higher - it's like they are discouraging us from entering the profession.

I just want to share a phrase that is sort of a joke in our family about Architects.

"Architects; not smart enough to be an engineer, not gay enough to be an interior designer"

I realize that isn't very encouraging, but it seemed appropriate.

Not encouraging at all :(
I'm sticking with Architecture though because I like designing (which is why I am still into map-making), and I found out that I could make up to 72k with commission. And there is a higher demand for more education in the field; I pretty much have to get a Master's Degree or risk going back to school later, although I might have to go back anyway.

Not encouraging at all :(
I'm sticking with Architecture though because I like designing (which is why I am still into map-making), and I found out that I could make up to 72k with commission. And there is a higher demand for more education in the field; I pretty much have to get a Master's Degree or risk going back to school later, although I might have to go back anyway.

No, I'm with you. If thats what you like, you should pursue it. Only a fool would throw his life away for money. My passion just happens to be paid better than others.