Author Topic: RickPhone'd  (Read 4559 times)

I was watching just another youtube video and saw this ad. I want to get one just so that when someone calls me, they have to get rickroll'd before they can talk to me.  :cookieMonster:

Er, Technically they'd rickroll you every time they called you. A ringtone is the thing that plays when your phone rings, ok?

There is a way to change the sound it makes when you are being called for the person doing the calling. I know because this one girl I used to hang out with has some really loud screaming music thing that would play every time I called her. It wasnt fun.

I know that. I was thinking of getting the song and then making it so that the person calling hears it instead.

When that handicap on WWE was calling people to give away the million dollars or something, some phone got picked up. Then Never Gonna Give You Up started playing and I burst out laughing. No one got the joke but me, and I unsuccessfully tried to explain it.

Give me your phone number, I will rickroll you.  Don't forget the area code and the country.

Give me your phone number, I will rickroll you.  Don't forget the area code and the country.
