Author Topic: im not stopping asking for males!  (Read 6205 times)

I like this Felix roast, it's a been long time coming. Heres my thoughts:

1) Like that other guy said IT'S BADSPOTS FORUM so he determins what goes in it.If you harase him good by you.

2) Whats the problem with not having boys, are you queer?

3) It is very hard to make an avatar (char) and he probably has better things to do, unlike you, and he's giving this to you for free, if you want a boy then pay him!

4)If you stop talking about it and annoying everybody and maybe he will.

So just stop talking about males! Thats what I have to say.

Besides, Badspot does have the Ban-Hammer by his computer desk, and a spare in his coat pocket. Don't push him, cause I know what a ban hammer feels like. (other forums, temp ban)

dude, Why would we want male models anyway? even if they didn't have the snake. I mean, females are so much better and he'd have the game stuffed for ages trying to do this:

(1). The walking would have to be different so females could still have there walk and a different kind of charachter walk another way.

(2). The Hair and face models would get mixed up so u could say male and u could still select female heads but have a male body. (i mean, who wants that?!)

(3).He would have one Hell of a bad time trying to draw the stupid males. Its not easy, i mean Would u want the male to be some giant penus cause he couldn't draw them?

So concludes my point, it would take a very long time to make males and would almost be pointless.

Sorry dude, this guy ate ur cookies  :cookieMonster:

Just to interrupt for a second, but i have to point out that sometimes after reading someones post, you really can see why they have "Blockhead" under their name...Its like someone smacking you in the face with some raw fish :/

And you wonder why YOU have the 'Blockhead' too, Ephi? Just kidding bro.

It's cause he has a block for a head, mang. Why you gotta be so insensitive about his ailment? HAVE SOME DECENCY.