Author Topic: [Dragonhawk]: Now recruiting! C.L.o.B.  (Read 1476 times)

Well, here it is, C.L.o.B. stands for "Chain Links of Blockland" and I am now recruiting, We have the first floor of the base, and I already have our insignia, I'll post a picture tomorrow, if you want to join, all you have to do is post a pic of you WIP and I'll rate it, takes 8 points to get in, I'll also post a pic of clan uniform tomorrow. Thanks!

Ill join

Blockland Name: YOUFAILZ


Yeah i join.. as soon as you get off my internet.

Seriously guys, that isn't funny, I really want members, not pandaing people like you.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 04:02:54 PM by Darkhawk »

10 things wrong with that post.
1. Give moar info about clan.
2. Dont be an starfish
3. People like to look how they want to, not like everyone else in their clan
4. People dont like building applications unless there are alot of members (add a member list for a start)
5. Give us a reason to join
6. Expect people to tell you if its a stuffty clan if you dont have any of those 5 reasons
7. Think of a better name
8. Let people choose the insignia
9. Make the thread look nice, not like a reply
10. Tell what your clan does (ex. Building, Scripting, TDM, Etc.)
 And now, Add all of those, and you might get a decent clan.

Seriously guys, that isn't funny, I really want members, not pandaing people like you.

Can I join? I'm serious.

BL-ID 4243

I'm in clans RotB and OC and BftH

Blockland name is $cash$.....

Seriously guys, that isn't funny, I really want members, not pandaing people like you. GO TO IT
Can I join? I'm serious.

BL-ID 4243

I'm in clans RotB and OC and BftH

Blockland name is $cash$.....
Wait... You want to join but you think its fail? I dont get it :P

10 things wrong with that post.
1. Give moar info about clan.
2. Dont be an starfish
3. People like to look how they want to, not like everyone else in their clan
4. People dont like building applications unless there are alot of members (add a member list for a start)
5. Give us a reason to join
6. Expect people to tell you if its a stuffty clan if you dont have any of those 5 reasons
7. Think of a better name
8. Let people choose the insignia
9. Make the thread look nice, not like a reply
10. Tell what your clan does (ex. Building, Scripting, TDM, Etc.)
 And now, Add all of those, and you might get a decent clan.

wtf you fail, heres whats wrong with this
1. Spell More right
2. How is he Being an ass?
3. its his Clan, he can have Uniforms if he wants
4. there cant be members if they dont make applications to join the clan dumbforget
5. (nothing wrong with number 5)
6. your telling him to not to be a Ass, looks whos talking
7. Omg why are you on the internet, its his clan, he can make any name he wants, it could of been Mangos of blockland and it still would of been ok
8. Wtf is a "insignia"
9. like you know anything about posting...
10. (nothing wrong with number 10)

Why the hell are you on the internet SLickSliver, and what kind of name is that, sounds like a hair product to me

Seroulsy, More info and members plz?

Seriously guys, that isn't funny, I really want members, not pandaing people like you. GO TO IT
Can I join? I'm serious.

BL-ID 4243

I'm in clans RotB and OC and BftH

Blockland name is $cash$.....
Wait... You want to join but you think its fail? I dont get it :P
No I just thought it would be funny to put that. I do want to join

10 things wrong with that post.
1. Give moar info about clan.
2. Dont be an starfish
3. People like to look how they want to, not like everyone else in their clan
4. People dont like building applications unless there are alot of members (add a member list for a start)
5. Give us a reason to join
6. Expect people to tell you if its a stuffty clan if you dont have any of those 5 reasons
7. Think of a better name
8. Let people choose the insignia
9. Make the thread look nice, not like a reply
10. Tell what your clan does (ex. Building, Scripting, TDM, Etc.)
 And now, Add all of those, and you might get a decent clan.

wtf you fail, heres whats wrong with this
1. Spell More right
2. How is he Being an ass?
3. its his Clan, he can have Uniforms if he wants
4. there cant be members if they dont make applications to join the clan dumbforget
5. (nothing wrong with number 5)
6. your telling him to not to be a Ass, looks whos talking
7. Omg why are you on the internet, its his clan, he can make any name he wants, it could of been Mangos of blockland and it still would of been ok
8. Wtf is a "insignia"
9. like you know anything about posting...
10. (nothing wrong with number 10)

Why the hell are you on the internet SLickSliver, and what kind of name is that, sounds like a hair product to me

Seroulsy, More info and members plz?
1. The Moar is on purpose.
2. He is yelling at people for saying you fail when he does
3. Im trying to tell him how NOT to fail.
4. Read number 3
5.(Nothing Wrong)
6. Learn to swear.
7. Thats my opinion.
8. I have no clue, i just know ppl want to choose it together, i know my clan had a fight over their insignia
9. Im saying, Put some colored text in.
10. Nothing wrong.
And XxMenenxX? don't say my name is lame. Sounds like a tampon company.

Seriously guys, that isn't funny, I really want members, not pandaing people like you. GO TO IT
Can I join? I'm serious.

BL-ID 4243

I'm in clans RotB and OC and BftH

Blockland name is $cash$.....
Wait... You want to join but you think its fail? I dont get it :P
No I just thought it would be funny to put that. I do want to join

That wasen't funny at all....?

How was I loving yelling? "Seriously,   don't post assenine posts." I know it wasn't exact quote, but thats what I mean't. (An Insignia is like an icon, or a tag)