Author Topic: My BotB App  (Read 1311 times)

This is my BotB app, its a brick house with the necessities for life.

Kept running over 30s thing... w/e its called

A fountan isn't a necessitie  :cookieMonster:

Anyway, it looks nice.

Whats up with those fuzzy white things?

Whats up with those fuzzy white things?
idk fog was in there but Jpeg screwed it up.

use .png
they're clearer.

And, my vote is no.
the bricks are too purple, and the steam goes through the walls.
Sorry, but keep on trying, and you might get in.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 02:25:12 PM by Zaie »

I am kind of a BotB ghost member and I dont know what Kyle's expectations are these days, But for now I would probably say there is not a good of a chance you will get in. First it is a house houses are dead builds there to boring and every day. Second the brick use could see some major improvement its a little spammy. And third I just dont think it is BotB material. But like I said before I am kind of a ghost member I am not in BotB so maybe there is a chance.

I don't like the bathroom, all the walls on the interior are 2x2x1's and are purple. Try a different building style and you might get in.

Sorry for a late reply but we've been working some things out in BotB.

As leader of BotB once again, i am going to have to reject this application for reasons others have already stated. Thanks for applying.