Author Topic: MS paint your way out of the cage  (Read 2964 times)

Do it.

Why the hell would you possibly save this as a jpeg? It artifacts it and it's hardly MS Paint friendly any more.

I painted the bars white.

MS Paint your way across the cliff is beter and more creative.

MSPaint a better MSPaint challenge.

I got out of cage just at night...

Very long way...

MSPaint a better MSPaint challenge.

Oh oh! How about, defeat the four armed giant in MS Paint!

Finally, I got out of that cage, now I got to ms paint my way across a cliff.
Yes, very orriginal of me.

Finally, I got out of that cage, now I got to ms paint my way across a cliff.
Yes, very orriginal of me.

You can just jump over the cliff

Dan, how tall are you?

That gap is about 7 times his width. I for one wouldn't be a fan of those odds.

That file is won't open and it is certainly no image file...