A Glitch that I found...

Author Topic: A Glitch that I found...  (Read 2667 times)

Well, i was playing a citybuild, and then the bricks went all wacko. They kind of twisted and bent from an awesome build to look like the attached pic. D:

I have to restart BL every time it happens, and it does it on specific servers including:

Mr. Happy Face's server
Infexis' server
Antrix's server
And probably more... Please post if this has happened to you or if you know how to fix it.



It's your graphics card.

Your graphics card just croaked.

If it's an ATI, that's why.

This goes in help and a solution was found a while ago and was stickied in help.


This happened to me. It gets annoying, I have a pic of my symtoms if interested. this also happens when you destroy a lot of bricks at once for me.

This goes in help and a solution was found a while ago and was stickied in help.

Hay, thanks. I think i got it fixed, I'll check though, since Infexis' server is up right now. (What a coincidence! :D)

For me, that picture looks awesome. Looks like someone finally learnt how to shot web.

For me, that picture looks awesome. Looks like someone finally learnt how to shot web.

For me, that picture looks awesome. Looks like someone finally learnt how to shot web.

'Spider Pig was here'

Yah that happend to me about ten times it sucks.

That always anoys ME!   :nes:GRRRRR

Tracker, you spam emotes too much. What was the point of a nintendo then saying,  'GRRRRR'  ??
forget You.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 10:26:38 PM by Zaie »