Author Topic: -Brickless Builders- (B/B)  (Read 1735 times)

-Brickless Builders-

B/B was Founded by Dippy On July 14, 2008. It was recently a Clan but failed. so im bringing it back in a way.
It was me and Blocksta who Started it but was a Failure. I was left with the Clan and now bringing it back in Style.

The Clan style is Moderen, We do not like Futuristic or Ye Olde. Just sorta Today Style.

Build Something and post on forums with,
Number of Bricks Used:
And what it is.


None Yet

None Yet
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 08:49:18 PM by Dippy »

How do you build without bricks?

I can see it now, application form:
Why I want to build without bricks:
How the forget do I build without bricks:
Build App: (Must be less then a brick)

with people.

How do you build without bricks?

You Build with bricks,
Its just the naem of the clan.

So basically your clan name is the equivalent of Swordless Swordsmen or Skiiless Skiiers.
Yeah... that makes perfect sence.

o god dippy and blocksta joinning forces to ruin blockland D:

o god dippy and blocksta joinning forces to ruin blockland D:
needs moar zoneark <3

This is random, but my 2 favorite avatars are Zoneark's and Captmeat's. Lol one is loving hilarious and the other one is like a psycho ram :D. /offtopic.

No. It is not a ram >:(
It is an ancient Lake troll! :D

when are you going to add me to the member list >_<

Snow you need a App.

o god dippy and blocksta joinning forces to ruin blockland D:
needs moar zoneark <3
needs moar capTmeaT ;D

and yeah our avatars are epic :D

when are you going to add me to the member list >_<
told ya so pwned!! Hee hee ha ha

B/B was Founded by Dippy On July 14, 2008. It was recently a Clan but failed. so im bringing it back in a way.
It was me and Blocksta who Started it but was a Failure. I was left with the Clan and now bringing it back to spam the forums.

my edit of his post :P