Author Topic: GeneralX Jailed  (Read 2489 times)

GeneralX has been jailed.

He always said he would never get caught. Correct me if im wrong, but I heard he was in some kind of gang?

Anyways, hes been jailed and we had a good laugh about it.

Con... friggin grats.

We don't *give a stuff*

i congratulate you for this most intresting topic

We don't give a damn. Even if you jailed someone with 3000 dermits we still wouldn't care.

good! now jail bash-tard

General X got jailed.. so what? He dosen't care. This is just another dumb topic where a cop praises himself for something, really, well..... not so great.

A cop jailing someone is like eating an M&M. Nobody cares.

YOU ATE MY M&M. EVIL MAN! in any case this rash of cop haters is annoying

« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 07:48:05 PM by Ratty »