Author Topic: new clan - camping clan (camp)  (Read 1323 times)

i'm making a new clan! it's called the camping clan! (of course you know that it is part of the topic name)

1. all servers are camping rpgs
2. no disobeying scoutmaster ds

no info, no ways to join, no member list

therefore, OOPAH!

« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 05:52:40 PM by Doorman »



You cannot be serious.

1. Add a member list.
2. Add ways to join.
3. Add more information on why you made this clan/what this clan is about. (though it is obvious)
4. Clans based on one thing usually fail.
5. More information on how to create a clan here


You cannot be serious.

1. Add a member list.
2. Add ways to join.
3. Add more information on why you made this clan/what this clan is about. (though it is obvious)
4. Clans based on one thing usually fail.
5. More information on how to create a clan here

This is why you dont make clans because bitches come outta no where flaming for no reason and gona get banned.

This is why you dont make clans because bitches come outta no where flaming for no reason and gona get banned.

Actually there are a number of clans that have been around for a loooong time that are well know and very popular. Its just that you suck.

This is why you dont make clans because bitches come outta no where flaming for no reason and gona get banned.

Actually there are a number of clans that have been around for a loooong time that are well know and very popular. Its just that you suck.
I didn't get bitched at when I made my two clans...

This is why you dont make clans because bitches come outta no where flaming for no reason and gona get banned.

dude just stfu, the only reason you got flamed was because your clans sucked, have you noticed all of the good clans never get flamed? if you dont like what we do on this forum then gtfo

This is why you dont make clans because bitches come outta no where flaming for no reason and gona get banned.

Actually there are a number of clans that have been around for a loooong time that are well know and very popular. Its just that you suck.

Ya you suck at making clans too don't talk.