Author Topic: Can Someone help me with Map2dif  (Read 2291 times)

I just got map2dif and where do i put it to work.                                                         P.S i have a windows computer

OMG, srry about that last post. i have a windows computer.

I need help to with the same thing and I have another problem: it just opens a text message saying:

map2dif - Torque .MAP file converter
  Copyright (C), Inc.
  Program version: 0.900d-beta
  Programmers: John Folliard & Dave Moore
  Built: Apr 13 2004 at 12:19:25

Usage: map2dif [-v] [-p] [-s] [-l] [-h] [-g] [-e] [-n] [-q ver] [-o outputDirectory] [-t textureDirectory] <file>.map
        -p : Include a preview bitmap in the interior file
        -d : Process only the detail specified on the command line
        -l : Process as a low detail shape (implies -s)
        -h : Process for final build (exhaustive BSP search)
        -g : Generate navigation graph info
        -e : Do extrusion test
        -s : Don't search for textures in parent dir.
        -n : Noisy error/statistic reporting
        -q ver: Quake map file version (2, 3)
        -o dir: Directory in which to place the .dif file
        -t dir: Location of textures

does any body know wye  its doing this? :(

map2dif is an exporter. It doesn't have any interface at all. Basically, when you start it up, you're telling it to do the set of instructions you sent to it. Since you haven't given it any instructions, it just closes. There are two ways to get it to do what you want:

a. Get a program like Quark or Torque Constructor to do it for you. This is easy and highly recommended.
b. Use the command prompt. There are instructions on how to do this here.

As for installing map2dif, depending on what program you are using, it is different. Torque Constructor automatically sets it up for you. If you are using quark, follow this tutorial.

Tutorials for using both Torque Constructor and Quark can be found all over the Internet. I know Quark has video tutorials that cover everything from making a map to exporting it to loading it in Torque. I don't know about Torque Constructor, but it is easier to learn. It also handles 3d rendering a lot better than Quark. If you want complicated shapes like a sphere or torus, Quark is your best bet. Torque Constructor hates them. I use both, and frequently move interiors in progress back and forth between them to do different things.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 09:55:05 PM by Wedge »

But where do you dl torque constructor.

Thank you again Wedge. you get a thousand  :cookie:s

But the only problem is my mom wont let me buy it.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 07:52:18 PM by Nibbles110 »

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