Author Topic: Have you been playing scense blocklandv0002?  (Read 2952 times)

(played 0002 for like a week then went to blm 3 or somethign
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 01:51:54 AM by tails »

Yes, nearly two years ago.

I started playing a month or two before BLM first released.


you could turn into a no-avatar with the fake administrator bit on your avatar

I first played blockland (TBM) at my friends Lan party. I was building a giant staircase up to a floating castle. After that, I saw Blockland on the ScreenSavers and in PC Gaming mag and desided to download it. I remember my frustration when I didn't get it to work the first time. Then once it was working (barely), I got RTB about a week or 2 before I joined the forums. I played on my crap computer until retail came out and then I was like, "My crap computer can't run this better quality version, I guess this is the end for blockland". While I was gone, I had been making money to buy a laptop and I was thinking of games to get for it and one of the first ones that poped into my head was Blockland. So I "rejoined" the forums and here I am.

P.S. I still have the old installer for 1.045. :D

wait,anyone remember who made bl mods 1.6 and stuff , those were awesome.

Oh yea, i remember all that. like the first time a brick could be placed inside another brick and everyone was like :O

Yus, I was a noob smasher / pinker back in the day. That's why I'm noob friendly, because I changed when someone was nice to me and let me help build ;D

NOSTALGIA :cookieMonster:

Yes, together with SanTing. Different names though.

I played BL v0002 when it first came out, under the name 'Forke'. I was a loser and a ultra-noob back then. When RTB 1.x came out, I still played under the name 'Forke', and that's where I learned about Irkclan, in the EPIC Free Build Dedicated server. Then retail came out.

I bought it the third day after it was released, hence my ID is 377.

Blockland has been an amazing adventure and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

I played Vanilla for a while then switched to rtb 1.03.

I started playing about 2 1/2 years ago (in the time of green hills and having to pick up your bricks :D), switched to RtB, and played that for about 6-7 months, then that dropped off until about 5 months ago when I picked RtB up again, and after seeing that that had become a ghost town, I jumped over to Retail V8

Yea, I played for quite awhile, But around retail I quit.
Still dont play