Epic FAIL Scam

Author Topic: Epic FAIL Scam  (Read 1509 times)

Well this summer I decided to make some money by building and selling computers. One person who replied sent me these emails and I responded to the first 3.
Hey Seller,
Am trying to find out if the item you posted on the add is still available for sale. Because am interested in purchasing this item by issuing you with a CERTIFIED CHECK drawn from a local Bank of America where i will arrange for a local pick up as soon as you get the check and fully cleared your bank. If you would like to sell for me do get back to me with your contact information to influence my mailing the check to you asap.
1.Your Full Names........................ ......
2.Your Street Address...................... ....
3.Your City, State & Z/C.......................
4.Your Telephone numbers(home and cell#)
Please get back to me asap.


Hello, thanks for the email...the payment would be sent by UPS courier company and the item will be picked up as soon as you receive my payment, I will wait for the payment to get cashed before i'd send my shipper for the pick up. I will like to tell you that i would be sending a check worth of $3000 to cover the shipment of the  item and the money for the item. As soon as the check reaches you, have it cashed and remove your money for the item and send the remaining fund to my shipper by Western Union Money Transfer. My shipper is also picking some of my other items up for me in the same city of yours so that is why i need to give him that amount. I will like you to remove $100 for your running around in getting the check cashed. Please let me know if i can trust you on this so we can move forward from here.

Hello ****,
          Am very sorry for the late reply, I'm not around all days i traveled. I will contact the courier services now to kown what is going on and i will emailed you when i have the tracking number from them..Thanks

And Finally,
I just want you to update you that check will get to you first thing tomorrow morning and do stay at home to recieve the payment so that you can cash it immediately and deduct ths cost of the item and the rest of the money will be forward to the shipper through western union as soon as payment cashed.
Here is the DHL tracking Number:  ***********

I will be looking forward to read from you as soon as possible.

Now, when I got the 2nd email, I thought the $3000 was a typo. But today I did get a $3000 check SIGNED BY STEVE JOBS of Apple computer Inc. , sent in a package from "Bill Forester". This is when I realized it was a scam because anyone who has the mental capabilities of at least a 12 year old could tell that the signature on the check was put on with a printer. I think that instead of sending him the computer, I will fill the box with garbage and pictures of goatse. Any suggestions? Also I have not tried to cash the fake check or tell him that I know its a scam.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 08:27:27 PM by Starcraftman »

Send him an email telling him the bank didn't accept the check, and ask if he could write a new one.

Keep doing this forever.

Call the police and get the guy arrested or put on trial for scamming people? considering that you have hard evidence and the emails he sent you, you may have enough to convict him of attempted fraud.

Even if you don't think it's worth your time, submit what you have to the police, you might be helping some future victim.

Call the police and get the guy arrested or put on trial for scamming people? considering that you have hard evidence and the emails he sent you, you may have enough to convict him of attempted fraud.

Even if you don't think it's worth your time, submit what you have to the police, you might be helping some future victim.

inb4justi- osht

Call the police and get the guy arrested or put on trial for scamming people? considering that you have hard evidence and the emails he sent you, you may have enough to convict him of attempted fraud.

Even if you don't think it's worth your time, submit what you have to the police, you might be helping some future victim.
Send him an email telling him the bank didn't accept the check, and ask if he could write a new one.

Keep doing this forever.

I say do what Wedge said that way you could have even more evidence to do what Reactor said.

Call the IRS, FBI, and annoy the CIA by trying to get them to take your case while they are not allowed to work inside of the US. The FBI and IRS was serious. The CIA one is just for the lulz.

send him a box full of crap.

and maybe a creep bear.

I read the email and figured out what he's trying to do.

Follow what Reactor Worker said, you don't need any more evidence. Also, http://www.ckfraud.org/

Wow that site looks REALLY sketchy...

Archive.org says it's been that way since 1998, so my guess is they just never updated it.
But hey, if you don't trust it:


Check fraud is big, take this seriously and get his ass in jail.