Author Topic: Wacky Backpack Building Competetion! WIN PRIZES!  (Read 12580 times)

This is a competetion where you have to make backpacks for lego people.


You can only have lego parts and rubber bands on it, you may not have anything else. All packs must allow the minifigures to stand freely (or at least on  a plate) with no support. You must post a decent picture to be entered into the contest. Tcxxx572 may reject your entry whether he has a reason or not. All back packs must be attached to the back in some way, and not held. Tcxxx572 can change the rules at anytime, with or without warning. Please do not post more than 6 pictures. This contest is NOT fair, do not act like it is. Please add your name on a peice of paper into one of the pictures or I will think it is stolen. If you win one of the prizes, and do not supply the required information (address OR Steam user name OR e-mail address if you win first place and want the blockland key) your prize will not be given. Tcxxx572 may judge as he sees fit.

Here are some examples:

Here is my favorite backpack that I made. It is just covered in  so many things...

This is a camping back pack. You can take the fun of camping, ANYWHERE!

My computer pack, for interwebs on the go.

My horse pack, in case you need a horse on your, um, back.

Post your own creations, and if you have the best you could win Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, or Half-Life 2 Episode 1, or a Blockland Key or a $20 Giftcard to gamestop and some skittles (or M&Ms), second place wins a $10 dollar Game Stop card, Third place wins A $5 dollar gift card to Game Stop. Game prizes are delivered over Steam, gift cards are mailed (If you don't want to give me your address, you may ask for a game on Steam that is equal or lesser value).

Please make your creations in real life, not in blockland...

« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 10:09:34 PM by tcxxx572 »

You can use Digital Designer if you want...

I have not been getting the response I was looking for, I will lock this if no one is intrested...

I'll put something together if none will take the prizes, I'll do it in the morning.

I have not been getting the response I was looking for, I will lock this if no one is intrested...

Well, maybe we are busy making backpacks? Free games to offer, probably someone is going to be interested.

Edit: When is the deadline?

I'd like them by the end of september, but if I don't get atleast 10 responses by then, I will extend it to October 15th. Also, please make your back packs appropriate.

Edit: This might make some of you a little mad, but I don't have the money for the first prize yet. I spent most of my money on cookie dough ice cream from braums. (I'm sorry : P) I just thought I would let you know, in case you want pics of the money or something before you start building. (People really ask for that stuff). Also, the main focus for this is for you to get creative, not to win money. The money (and games) are only there to get the lazypeople to start building. Please do not send your pictures to my e-mail, and please do not pm them to me. You will not get entered into the contest that way. I will post a complete list of people on the first post so you can tell if you have been entered after some one posts their build. If you want extra points for your creation, right your user name on on something and stick it into a couple pictures just to show me you did not take these from somewhere one the internet.

Please read this information, it is important and tells you how to get extra points. ^^^^^^
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:24:28 PM by tcxxx572 »

LolBrand Monkey Pack: Making situations awkward since 1759

« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 12:40:10 AM by Dread »

This is General Nick's entry. He's posting it for himself under MrCookie's name because he was banned and wants to enter the contest.

Also, link to big pictures please. Big pictures fail for the thread.
Apologize for the picture quality. My camera is fail.

Jack (with the backpack) and Jill find some weird temple ruins.

The XPack-9000 (Shot 1) Yes, that's the name of it :3

Shot 2 of the XPack-9000.

Closer look at the XPack-9k (Yes that is Nick's untrimmed fingernails and legs.) (BLURRY SHOT)

Jack and Jill happen upon a tree and a bunch of crazy people lead by Mr. Long John Daniel. Gotch'ya, that didn't rhyme and I bet you thought it would. AHAHAHAHAHA!

Then they left that place and were hiking when THEY WERE ATTACKED BY SPIDERS OMFG!


But then the military saw it as a threat and killed it! :O

Brought to you by BioniPacks! It's white, bland and doesn't even hold anything! Make yourself a loser and an outcast by wearing this piece of stuff! BUY NOW! (This is not an entry. I just felt like putting this in.)


Proof that this is mine, thanks to my sloppy handwriting. (The erased writing is Killer Angels and Princess Bride. Summer reading books written down to buy.)

Again, THIS ENTIRE POST IS BY GENERAL NICK. NOT BY MRCOOKIE. Any further questions, contact MrCookie so that you can contact me.[/B]
P.S. This is General Nick just posting this under MrCookie since I'm banned >_> Badspot do not take the fault upon MrCookie.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 12:39:08 AM by MrCookie »

>:( Nick made me double post, because I'm putting in my entry.



The transport pack! Includes, Car, Horse, skateboard and monkey face hugger!

Don't want to break screens :3

You can use Digital Designer if you want...
Onyx's lolstuff:||cb3091d3-ef21-4666-a5c1-66d6d30950f8

Does the link even work? :panda:

Yes, but I have to copy the whole thing, not just press it..

This is General Nick's entry. He's posting it for himself under MrCookie's name because he was banned and wants to enter the contest...

You will not be entered into the contest. I want a maximum of 3 back packs (No more than 6 pics) and no stories please. None of your pictures have your name either, therefore it looks like you stole them. There are not back packs, They are wheel-less carts. If I did judge this it would get a 0.006.

>:( Nick made me double post, because I'm putting in my entry.



The transport pack! Includes, Car, Horse, skateboard and monkey face hugger!

Don't want to break screens :3

Lol a car...


Pretty good, but it needs more unneccesary things on it. Banana anyone?

LolBrand Monkey Pack: Making situations awkward since 1759

XD that's pretty funny.


I like the idea, but it needs more. If he was holding something (Gun, lightsaber, banana, lego figure, 2x2,  etc.) it would be a bit better.