Author Topic: Clan [DoT]  (Read 28462 times)

We are a new clan focused on some epic and more detailed highscaled builds
Haha. Liars.
Boltster - ID:691 Harasses and insults the clan,chaoszero,builds for no reason.
Made my day :)

Edit: Was blockhead slayer banned because he didn't defend chaos while I was harassing him?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 07:45:14 PM by TheBoltster »

Oh god.... boltster please stay off this topic...
No slayer pissed me off because i was building poseidon and he deleted it. w/o me saving.

We are currently making a KoTH DM. (King of the Hill) It's teh pwn.

OSHT! tok I need to talk to you...

Also our mountain is going epic! >:O

Hey yall its beast here and i just wanted to let you know that i just recieved information that i have a brain tumor

Nice for sharing with us man. We really dont wanna know about that dude.

Hey Chaos get on and host your server so i can build stuff.

And thanks for letting me in the clan! :cookie:

Yay our new epic DM is like 65% done. I'll open it try at 6:00PM pacific time if you wanna test it.

Im working on a new weapon called the Mp6. All I plan on doing is the modeling however. Not bad for one of my first models ever I think  :cookieMonster:

DUDE that looks sick!!!

lets welcome our newest DoT member!

He got a rating of 9/10 mostly the inside srry im to lazy to get pic.s of inside but it was epic!!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 03:14:22 AM by Hyrax7 »

i joined like i dunno 3 WEEKS AGO

No one told me you joined 3 weeks ago..

urm is this clan broke up  :panda:

No why would you say that arctic..

Also you bumped topic,and stop letting people with crappy apps join man mogarfs mine field was terrible and you let him join. >:(