Author Topic: Because all guys are starfishs! Dating 101: How To Tell if a Guy is Cheating  (Read 5624 times)

Right, because what happened a thousand years ago makes half the world handicapped.

You guys are missing a key point- If she confronts you thinking you're cheating; you slap her and tell her to behave.

#6: If you are considering confronting him about anything you read here for any of these reason, leave him. He deserves better than you.

See now, its only wrong when the man does it.

You can see this commonly with feminist literature and such-- they say they want equality but they want to be treated better than equal.

Woman's reasoning: women do it for a rush of romantic excitement, men do it because they're saukerl.

Why tape their head stationary?
So they can't say they shook their head "no" when it comes up in court.

You guys are missing a key point- If she confronts you thinking you're cheating; you slap her and tell her to behave.
I lol'd

Woman rights, thats the joke. :P
Calm down, just joking.

You should've been like "Hay guys want to hear a joke?"

someone says yes

then you just say in the next reply, "Women's rights."

My friend tells me that one.  :cookieMonster:

See now, its only wrong when the man does it.

You can see this commonly with feminist literature and such-- they say they want equality but they want to be treated better than equal.
Typical misogamist drivel. You have no idea about the struggles women have gone through just to get where they are today; being ranked slightly higher than a pile of dog stuff. It's disgusting how the male-centric world treats other humans because they have different organs.

So they wish for equality, we gave it to 'em. I hate it that most of the time you hear about cheating, the male is at fault. I know a lot of females cheat on their partner/ other person thing. Why do we not hear about them? They wish for us not not talk about them in a certain manner but they wish to be treated equal. We talk to each other in a screwed up loveual joke, why can we not treat them equally and do the same to them. I loving hate double standards.

Thank you Omega.  Just one example of why "equality" won't happen.  Men and Women don't generally think the same.  On top of that, love plays a major role.