Author Topic: Ocelot's prints  (Read 8903 times)

Did you murder your "e's" or something?

Thanks man, you almost choked me with your comedy!

Not kidding, I was choking on some pizza...

these are too fun :D *click* BAM "no admin for you"

is it all in one file?
No it's seperated into packs for each brick. Read please.

No it's seperated into packs for each brick. Read please.

well.....the thing is....all your links lead to the same dowload (even though the lables are the for 1x1, 1x1f, and 2x2f prints)

well.....the thing is....all your links lead to the same dowload (even though the lables are the for 1x1, 1x1f, and 2x2f prints)
Download fixed :D

for some reason i can't have all of the prints on at once... even with all the other addons off, it just kicks me off of blockland =( but nice prints =)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 05:21:42 PM by phflack »

Blockland, That Was Easy lol. DLed

it says it is set to private  :panda:

lol a server were you put a 2x2 plate with pizza on it and say whoever finds the pizza becomes admin you activate it and booooom you fail

it says it is set to private  :panda:
Maybe because its having deifficulties... when mine are activated it won't let me start a server :P
its a shame too cause these are VERY good.



Update: Added Keypads and school supplies! :D

Sorry for lacking Pictures of update. Will get soon! :D
          Note: please redownload if downloaded before September 28, 2008, 01:33:00 pm.
hey dude the 2x2 flat bricks are private and same with the 1x1s sorry i make this a 8/10

hey dude the 2x2 flat bricks are private and same with the 1x1s sorry i make this a 8/10
How are they private?