Author Topic: Maked new avatar.  (Read 6944 times)

It's based off of my maze generator.  Not the part where the wall getts blown up though.  Who likes?

I noticed it.  You did the maze generator copying wrong though, not exactly how it is done with the common method.

My calculator makes mazes :D  I have yet to make it actually have an entrence and exit though....

Mine actually works flawlessly.  Aside from a drawing related lag thing that I need to figure out how to fix.  But that is how it goes about it's buisness.

It works yes, but it isn't like the way maze generators work usually.  Most use a traceback method, but yours finds a random spot when it gets stuck.

That's the only thing I did differently?  Well I made each space keep track of whether or not it had been run through.  When it gets stuck, it finds one that had been used and is not completely surrounded to start from again.

Eh, just different then the common method, bugges me a little :P (mainly since I have rewritten the program on my calculator three times now, making it more efficient every time, and writing allot of lines of code in the process)

I am bad at traceback algorithms

It is easier to do trace back then marking and finding spaces that are boarderline.  All you really need is to have something asking if that cell has been traced back yet...

My way works to...  I narrow down the list of spaces to ones that have been run through.  Then it randomly selects one and starts again from there.  I don't understand why we are even debating this when it works fine.

I don't know either.  Probobably the internet getting to us :D

how big does your go anyway?

Well, the size I have been using as standard is 15x15, though I want to soon make it have a changable size, and also have custom shapes.  I have it writen so that it doesn't matter the shape, but it will still work.

mine only works with rectangle maze configurations so far but can go to 64x64 before getting a stack overflow error.

I tried doing one of a bigger size by changing the hard code, got an error from getting too complicated, though I've run full size mazes with my old maze makers, I think it is just from all the programs that are installed default after mine got shiped in after braking a week before finals last  year.