Author Topic: Things we hate.  (Read 5264 times)

I hate the person's avatar below me.

Don't have one.

I have one now, he hates it. D:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 01:43:45 AM by MrCookie »

Don't have one.

What I really hate is people who say their clans never fail.

Like the AS clan, lol.

People who blast their music in their car, while driving slowly, with their windows down, in a neighborhood.

Well if laundry pisses ya off so much....

I hate ignorant people. :P
I also hate people who chew with their mouth open.
I also hate Lord Pie.

People who don't have a conversation with you, they just wait for their turn to talk.

I hate people who ALWAYS loving SPELL EASY THINGS WRONG! Ahem.

I hate blacks.
I hate you, you act like were still in the 1800's, dude, seriously, grow up for gods sake, O right, you belive your god is accepting of what the hell happened in the 1800's...

People who don't have a conversation with you, they just wait for their turn to talk.


People who don't have a conversation with you, they just wait for their turn to talk.

OMG HI! Where have you been?