Author Topic: My art project  (Read 6915 times)

I think it says Braydon 23/4/92 or something like that.

Lol, I just did the same thing. He has now lost all of the remaining respect I had for him...
LOL same here, also if he made it why did he put "By Nick" in the middle?

Because it's quite clearly By Nick.

This guy stole it. I saved the pic, and zoomed in onto the signature. The first letter was an "R" or a "B"


If it is really yours do this.
Take a picture of that piece on your bed with your hand touching the top right corner of the picture.

If it is really yours do this.
Take a picture of that piece on your bed with your hand touching the top right corner of the picture.

Okay what the forget, don't bump this, we already established that it was stolen on the first page.

God you are all starfishs, why is it so hard for you to believe that he drew this fine piece of artwork. Some people are better than you, get over it.

God you are all starfishs, why is it so hard for you to believe that he drew this fine piece of artwork. Some people are better than you, get over it.

idk maybe because he DIDNT

He probably did it, it's not that hard to do.  In fact, I could probably whip this up in 2 seconds; no offence.  But still, there's good art that people steal, this isn't one of those amazing things that you would steal.
Nick, it looks nice.  Good job.

Because it's quite clearly By Nick.
This was an attempt at irony. Sorry for confusion :cookieMonster:

hrs myn lul

You need to clean your brush more often. Like what I did when I was drawing this:

God you are all starfishs, why is it so hard for you to believe that he drew this fine piece of artwork. Some people are better than you, get over it.

Have you even looked at the date near the signature?

The signature isn't even his, for that matter.