Author Topic: Old Crosshair (Fixed)  (Read 7083 times)

Old Crosshair
Melon's famous old style crosshair.

A crosshair in the style of one from world war 2 (Pic is a bit fussy cus it has been blown up)


Download (Last Updated: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:16 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 06:18:01 PM by Melonking906 »

oooooh, nice :)
The forget is wrong with you, this is loving sweet.

it doesn't seem centered to me... it seems a tad unleveled :P

That diging mod on your website looks just like the one Qwert posted when he hijacked my acount XD.

Its cool... yea you will have a  :cookie:

I forgot where to put these... but it looks sweet from the image! :cookieMonster:
edit: and it made my crosshairs disappear.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 12:12:59 AM by Skulltulla »

nice nice but it can use a touch of less bigness

i like it it's freaking awsom

Thanks for all the nice comments.

And about It looking off centre, I find it seems a bit off centre too but when I measured It it was perfect so I guess it must just be a trick of the eye.

And about the size, if you find it a bit too big you can just unzip it and resize the crosshair.png file.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 11:26:03 AM by Melonking906 »

If you fine your crosshair disappearing as mine has I have made a guide of how to get it back above.

The forget is wrong with you, this is loving sweet.
Old style's WIN!Looks like a camera's center in focus crosshair,now if only WRB852 would port his camera with a camera type player this would fit perfectly!

The crosshair is now on RTB and the zip should work for windows.