Author Topic: Guns won't spawn.  (Read 721 times)

(Sorry if this has been answered beforehand, I looked and didn't find anything)

It hasn't happened until recently, but whenever I try to make a brick have a weapon spawn the weapon doesn't appear. When I use the wrench on the brick it acts like I never made it have a weapon. Anyone know what I did wrong/what I can do to fix it?

does this happen when the build is completely brick free?

or are you trying to add other spawns to an already weaponed build?

Actually, ... I just tried something like right after I posted it. It doesn't solve the problem though. It pretty much works on every load I don't need it to work on. (And yes, I'm trying to put weapons on a load that has weapons on it already)

A kind of similar thing happened to me in V8.
Every time I wrenched any brick, in the GUI it automatically put a wrench under Items.

D: Well. If anyone finds out a way around this problem (Aside from duplicating the building, clearing bricks, hitting enter, finishing the building with weapons, loading bricks, and saving again) lemme know... For now I guess this temporary solution will have to do.


  • Administrator
Sounds like you might be hitting the item limit.  You can increase it in the advanced config from the "start game" dialog

Yeah my plan didn't work and I figured that's what it was, didn't know how to fix it... Thanks! :O