Author Topic: TODAYS MY 16 BIRTHDAY :D  (Read 6335 times)

You are NOT 16. I'm positive of this. 13, maybe.

Why didn't you post "No im 16 idiot" in one post instead of making two?

If you were 16 you'd:

- not like Green Day
- type with decent spelling and grammar
- not say "YAYAYAY"
- not care as much about your birthday. I'm 14 and I hardly noticed my last birthday.

EDIT: my bad, it's "YAYYAYAY", not "YAYAYAY"
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 11:32:09 AM by Falcondude »

If you were 16 you'd:

- not like Green Day
- type with decent spelling and grammar
- not say "YAYAYAY"
- not care as much about your birthday. I'm 14 and I hardly noticed my last birthday.


who the hell cares about you brithday besides no one cared about mine so WHO GIVES A SH!!

I'm 16, and you are not.

Happy Birthday. Gifts in the mail.

I'm 20+ and I enjoy Green Day. :( Failed brown townogy is failed.

I'm 16 (Turned 16 on the 28th of September) and you don't see me making a post about my birthday... Or using incorrect grammar or double-posting.