Author Topic: Tylale's Faces, Decals, and Prints  (Read 6165 times)

Tylale's Faces, Prints, and Prints

Buttoned Shirt
Made on Oct. 19, 2008

This is a shirt for any occasion, more likely something more special.
You can find it here.

Sweet. Will you be adding more faces and decal and prints to here?

I suggest.....Halloween Decal and Faces.

And yes the shirt works, wearing it now.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 04:25:54 PM by Invalid »

Yes, I'm not sure what to make next though so I'm open to suggestions. Also, does it work for you too?

 Interesting. Hope you make more soon.

For a first decal it passes! <thumbs up!>


I'm making a mummy suit, I just finished the torso.

....ima use this topic to ask y'something from your locked help topic.....why didnt i help?did you figure it our yourself before i made that one post?

....ima use this topic to ask y'something from your locked help topic.....why didnt i help?did you figure it our yourself before i made that one post?

Yes, and you could have just pmed me.

eh didnt think about that hehe

make different emote faces like:
sad-upisde down mouth-:(
angry-upsidedown mouth and eyebrows going downwards towards middle head->:(
scared-already done
Sigh- -_-
omg- OoO

and so on

Q, are you releasing those Halloweens yet? Halloween just passed sooo...