Author Topic: Event help.  (Read 611 times)

Ok, how do I set a brick to turn from a color to a trans?
I have no other way of putting it than that.

If it were an button i would OnActivate NamedBrick Setcolor And then there will be some colors there should be 2 greens the first i green the other is trans.

Damn my modify button is gone.

Are you talking about the deault color set?

You can have a button that changes the brick from a normal color to a trans color.
These events on the button:
0 [ticked] onActivate>NAMED BRICK[brick]>setColor>Your color here.
1 [unticked] onActivate>NAMED BRICK[brick]>setColor>Your trans color here (look towards the end of these colors and you will notice that there is colors in the order they are in the trans paints, these are transparent)
2 [ticked] onActivate>self>toggleEventEnabled>0 1

use [brick] as the name of the brick you want to change from a normal to transparent color.