
do you hate me?

18 (18.8%)
3 (3.1%)
7 (7.3%)
burn in hell
14 (14.6%)
Yiff in hell furcigarette
54 (56.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: About people hating me  (Read 6183 times)

No, we hate you because you are a furcigarette.
Yiff in hell furcigarette  :cookieMonster:
you forgot to put the "yiff in hell furcigarette" option
Stop being a yiffer and we might like you. But don't count on it.
yiff in hell you loving furcigarette
I beg to differ, look at his posts.

Nice /bandwagon work guys. Ignorant fools.

Meh, we all follow the crowd.
Someone even admitting to hating him because everyone else.

A fur cigarette, obviously. You don't need to know anything else to hate him with extreme prejudice.
Nice work Otis. Whether or not you were serious, it indeed shows how stupid everyone else looks.

get rid of that stolen deviantart avatar

Here's a tip. If you don't want to be ostracized, then SHUT THE forget UP ABOUT BEING A FURRY ON THE INTERNET. Otherwise everyone will hate you for the very reason that everyone hates furries in general.
Although he Muffin probably meant that you aren't allowed to express being a furry, but I'm going to ignore that fact and go off onto another reason why you shouldn't.

Saying "I'm a furry!" is like trying to grab attention, no one likes people who crave attention. Same with people who go "I'm a girl." or "I'm gay." for no reason at all. Was anyone asking them of their gender or loveuality? No. Was anyone discussing it? Most likely not. Did they say it? Yes. Why? Attention.
I have nothing against furries, women, or gays. I'm simply using common examples.

Nice /bandwagon work guys. Ignorant fools.
I like how you've just gone ahead to say we're all jumping on the bandwagon. Maybe it hasn't occurred to your small mind that all of us are saying the same thing because we agree, or is it that because you are the authority here, only you are allowed an opinion?

I'm not saying you should be with it, or you shouldn't express your opinions. I'm saying that everyone (mostly) is just saying the same stuff over and over, some of them probably not even knowing what it means.

A fur cigarette, obviously. You don't need to know anything else to hate him with extreme prejudice.

This is basicly what they're all saying.

Would hentei normaly make people look like they are being killed?(I'm not gona search it and find out myself)
I don't think he's being killed, otherwise there may have been blood in the picture or something

But, but, I'm a furry... D:

Just to let everyone know, this is a joke.

You ignorant fools. Why oppress someone's way of life? Would you willingly tell every Muslim to forget off due to them being that way, or tell gay people that they are not equal due to their preferences. Last time I checked I and many of you live in a country devoted to the tolerance of many many people to come together to become better as a whole. So he likes to view hentai that is basically animals with human like features or dress in costumes and forget others. What harm is that bringing you. If you do not like it then stay away from it. If he is pressing his believes to you then tell him to lay off. What you guys are doing is telling him/her/ every other furry that their way is wrong. Again, who else do you judge the same?

(Off-topic: I like using the phrase "Ignorant fools.")

Im not the kind of furry that goes around looking for beastiality, i dont dress up in the suits because i have beter things to do than act like an animal. Ther are other people that look for beastiality that arent furries, the furry fandom isnt just intended for being a thing to be just to say you can beat off all the time, which is what you are saying im a mostly normal person, i go out and do stuff that isnt furrish, i hangout with friends that arent furries... im sad to say most of those friends are weeaboo but im not a sicko that beats off to REAL dogs.
this isnt a, "look at me" thread its a "lets see how many people hate me" i dont want alot of attention just alittle and Riddler was actualy ok aside from smoking crack and killing 6million people.
i just wish that i could take over the world, and rule with an iron fist, i think ill start with france...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 06:09:25 PM by YTFK »

Well, it's good that some of us have an understanding of this, and not the general bashing I would think of seeing.

i just wish that i could take over the world, and rule with an iron fist, i think ill start with france...

Me too. Though I doubt I ever will, and all you guys pray for it that I don't.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 06:15:09 PM by IsaacKronenFaust »

I am sick of people constantly putting other's ideals and ways down due to theirs. Can we not just get over it? I am atheist and I get this stuff all the time. One's beliefs or ways of life do not define their character. Instead we should judge by their action and morals that they act on. With reading your two edits, I have lost all respect for both of you.


What, can't stand a little fantastical joke?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 06:24:04 PM by IsaacKronenFaust »

Saying that stuff makes you no better then those who would start up school shootings. They lost control and made up their mind to take away those who insulted and threatend them. You state that you would wish to control the world. Now tell me, do you think it to be a joke now, or do you think you have said something beyond your reasoning. No person deserves such punishment for a crime so little.

Respect? if anyone actualy has respect i want proof... there is fear and liking thats itno one has ever respected me just bashed me for what i do forget its just not right that people hate without reasonable cause. I hate people i hate everyone to an extent but... i love them just as much you can dislike some one but hate is imposible just a thought that you can dislike some one so much that you believe someone should burn in hell for liking a different thaught style than you
 I never intended violence as a form of taking over
and im not so blind that i would shoot up my school i realize that there are people that hate me... but the people that like me balance it out
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 06:35:56 PM by YTFK »

Then why bother. Hate is one of the more stronger emotions that people feel and for good cause. All emotions are to limit or stimulate some part of people. To say one emotion is bad is to say that humanity is bad. And no, fear and "liking" are not the only emotions. All emotions are different and all of them are important to some extent. I say you lock this topic. You are showing to be equally ignorant as those who you said where against you.

hate isnt an emotion anger is i didnt say fear and liking were the only emotions and i wasnt say thay were ignorant just... anoying