Author Topic: People in Drama are Getting Annoying  (Read 1318 times)

I understand that it is not agaisnt the rules to post about someone banning you or whatever.  However, it seems every time something happens to someone it is here in minutes.  Nobody cares about how some guy banned you for some reason.  Nobody cares about a guy who asked a stupid question on your server.  It is getting rediculous.  A topics is made almost every minute for no reason.  I just had to get that out.



We need some real drama, bitches. I'm running dry on it.

We need JDofPivot to post some emo replys!


We need some real drama, bitches. I'm running dry on it.

As am I.

A guy can only defend ROBLOX for so long. :(

As am I.

A guy can only defend ROBLOX for so long. :(

This is indeed a sad day in Blockland's history.lolwtf?

You don't have to read Drama if you don't want to.

Welcome to drama. Please enjoy bitch about your stay.

You don't have to read Drama if you don't want to.

Yes. The only intelligent and or useful post here.