Author Topic: [This needs to stop!] Needs to stop!  (Read 1057 times)

No, really, I doubt a single thread will make the entire community stop what you're disliking. It's a nice effort, but most idiots like to keep in their ignorant shells and not listen to advice that would otherwise correct their idiocy.

Exactly, those topics are retarted and never work. If anything they make people do what you are complaining about more just to be starfishs and try to piss you off.

Its drama, not a suggestion or request. You post your opinions and see what or if people agree with them.

I totally agree with you, but you just did it yourself.

I totally agree with you, but you just did it yourself.

I suppose so. :D

de war betwien ruboulx an blckkoland need toe stoep1111!111eleven1111one111!11

Seriously people are way too bored...


we are too bored and lazy too

I feel like I'm partially to blame for this, I made a bunch of those types of threads back when I cared at all.